Click-tracking formats for Google Ads

Following are the base tracking template and landing page suffix (final URL suffix) formats that Search, Social, & Commerce requires for Google Ads.

Tracking template formats

The following format applies to all trackable ad types on search and display networks, and for sitelinks.<advertiser_ID>/cq?ev_sid=3&ev_ln={keyword}&ev_lx={targetid}&ev_crx={creative}&ev_mt={matchtype}&ev_n={network}&ev_ltx={_evltx}&ev_pl={placement}&ev_pos={adposition}&ev_dvc={device}&ev_dvm={devicemodel}&ev_phy={loc_physical_ms}&ev_loc={loc_interest_ms}&ev_cx={campaignid}&ev_ax={adgroupid}&ev_efid={gclid}:G:s&url={<Google ValueTrack parameter for the final URL>}


  • <advertiser_ID> is a variable for the advertiser’s unique ID within Adobe Advertising.

  • This format indicates that token passing is enabled for the campaign (the default). If token passing is disabled, substitute cq? after <advertiser_ID> with c?.

  • The ValueTrack parameters to indicate final URLs in tracking templates must be either {lpurl} or !{unescapedurl}.

  • (Text ads) When you bid by keyword, the parameter ev_pl (for placements) has no value. When you bid by placement, ev_ln (for keywords) has no value. When you bid by ad group or by any other dimension, both ev_ln and ev_pl have no values.

  • (Dynamic search ads) {keyword} indicates the dynamic search target expression, such as _cat:[VALUE] or _url:[VALUE].

  • (Dynamic search ads) Google Ads determines the final URL dynamically, so you don’t need to enter one.

  • (Sitelinks) You can see which conversions resulted from a click on a sitelink by generating a Transaction Report. The Link Type column value for a sitelink is sl:<Sitelink text>, such as sl:See Current Offers.

Shopping network

The following format applies to shopping ads and product groups in shopping networks. You can specify a tracking template at the account, campaign, ad group, or product group level.<advertiser_ID>/cq?ev_sid=3&ev_lx={targetid}&ev_ln={keyword}&ev_pl={placement}&ev_crx={creative}&ev_mt={matchtype}&ev_n={network}&ev_ltx={adtype}&ev_plx={product_id}&ev_ptid={product_partition_id}&ev_mid={merchant_id}&ev_cty={product_country}&ev_lan={product_language}&ev_dvc={device}&ev_dvm={devicemodel}&ev_phy={loc_physical_ms}&ev_loc={loc_interest_ms}&ev_cx={campaignid}&ev_ax={adgroupid}&ev_efid={gclid}:G:s&url={<Google ValueTrack parameter for the final URL>}


  • <advertiser_ID> is a variable for the advertiser’s unique ID within Adobe Advertising.

  • This format indicates that token passing is enabled for the campaign (the default). If token passing is disabled, substitute cq? after <advertiser_ID> with c?.

  • The ValueTrack parameters to indicate final URLs in tracking templates must be either {lpurl} or !{unescapedurl}.

  • Google Ads uses product URLs in the Google Merchant Center feed as the final URLs, so you don’t need to enter final URLs for your product data or product groups.

  • You can see which conversions resulted from a click on a shopping ad by generating a Transaction Report. The Link Type column value for a product ad is pla:<product ID>, such as pla:8525822.

Landing page suffix (final URL suffix) formats

Accounts that use Adobe Advertising conversion tracking must include the ad network’s click identifier (gclid for Google Ads) in the suffix:

  • When the advertiser has an Adobe Analytics integration, the suffix must include one of the following:

    • Google Ads accounts that use the latest AMO ID format (beginning with s_kwcid), which supports campaign- and ad group-level reporting for performance max campaigns and drafts and experiments campaigns:


      If the account has a server-side AMO ID implementation and the account or campaign setting “Auto Upload” is enabled, then the parameter is added automatically. Otherwise, you need to manually add it. See “Adobe Advertising IDs Used by Analytics.”

    • All other Google Ads accounts:


  • When the advertiser doesn’t have an Adobe Analytics integration, the suffix must include the following:


  • Landing page suffixes at lower levels override the account-level suffix. For easier maintenance, use only the account-level suffix unless different tracking for individual account components is necessary. To configure a suffix at the ad group level or lower, use the ad network’s editor.

  • (Dynamic search ads; advertisers with Adobe Analytics and without server-side tracking) When you want include tracking for the reverse feed from Adobe Advertising to Analytics, then append the AMO ID tracking code to the end of the account-level landing page suffix.
