Adobe plug-in: getPercentPageViewed
The getPercentPageViewed
plug-in measures a visitor’s scroll activity to see how much of a page they view before moving on to another page. This plug-in is not necessary if your pages are small in height or do not want to measure scroll activity.
Install the plug-in using the Web SDK or Web SDK extension
This plug-in is not yet supported for use within the Web SDK.
Install the plug-in using the Adobe Analytics extension
Adobe offers an extension that allows you to use most commonly-used plug-ins with Adobe Analytics.
Log in to Adobe Experience Platform Data Collection using your AdobeID credentials.
Click the desired tag property.
Go to the Extensions tab, then click on the Catalog button
Install and publish the Common Analytics Plugins extension
If you haven’t already, create a rule labeled “Initialize Plug-ins” with the following configuration:
- Condition: None
- Event: Core – Library Loaded (Page Top)
Add an action to the above rule with the following configuration:
- Extension: Common Analytics Plugins
- Action Type: Initialize getPercentPageViewed
Save and publish the changes to the rule.
Install the plug-in using custom code editor
If you do not want to use the Common Analytics Plugins plug-in extension, you can use the custom code editor.
- Log in to Adobe Experience Platform Data Collection using your AdobeID credentials.
- Click on the desired property.
- Go to the Extensions tab, then click the Configure button under the Adobe Analytics extension.
- Expand the Configure tracking using custom code accordion, which reveals the Open Editor button.
- Open the custom code editor and paste the plug-in code provided below into the edit window.
- Save and publish the changes to the Analytics extension.
Install the plug-in using AppMeasurement
Copy and paste the following code anywhere in the AppMeasurement file after the Analytics tracking object is instantiated (using s_gi
). Preserving comments and version numbers of the code in your implementation helps Adobe with troubleshooting any potential issues.
/******************************************* BEGIN CODE TO DEPLOY *******************************************/
/* Adobe Consulting Plugin: getPercentPageViewed v5.1 */
function getPercentPageViewed(pid,ch){var e=pid,i=ch;if("-v"===e)return{plugin:"getPercentPageViewed",version:"5.1"};var t=function(){if(void 0!==window.s_c_il){for(var e,i=0;i<window.s_c_il.length;i++)if((e=window.s_c_il[i])._c&&"s_c"===e._c)return e}}();function o(){if(window.ppvID){var e=Math.max(Math.max(document.body.scrollHeight,document.documentElement.scrollHeight),Math.max(document.body.offsetHeight,document.documentElement.offsetHeight),Math.max(document.body.clientHeight,document.documentElement.clientHeight)),i=window.innerHeight||document.documentElement.clientHeight||document.body.clientHeight,t=(window.pageYOffset||window.document.documentElement.scrollTop||window.document.body.scrollTop)+i,o=Math.min(Math.round(t/e*100),100),n=Math.floor(e/i),p=Math.floor(t/i),s="";if(!window.cookieRead("s_tp")||decodeURIComponent(window.cookieRead("s_ppv").split(",")[0])!==window.ppvID||window.p_fo(window.ppvID)||!0==window.ppvChange&&window.cookieRead("s_tp")&&e!=window.cookieRead("s_tp")){if((decodeURIComponent(window.cookieRead("s_ppv").split(",")[0])!==window.ppvID||window.p_fo(window.ppvID+"1"))&&window.cookieWrite("s_ips",t),window.cookieRead("s_tp")&&decodeURIComponent(window.cookieRead("s_ppv").split(",")[0])===window.ppvID){window.cookieRead("s_tp");var a=window.cookieRead("s_ppv"),c=a.indexOf(",")>-1?a.split(","):[],d=c[0]?c[0]:"",r=window.cookieRead("s_ips"),l=c[3]?c[3]:"";s=d+","+Math.round(r/e*100)+","+Math.round(l/e*100)+","+o+","+l+","+n+","+p}window.cookieWrite("s_tp",e)}else s=window.cookieRead("s_ppv");var v=s&&s.indexOf(",")>-1?s.split(",",7):[],f=v.length>0?v[0]:encodeURIComponent(window.ppvID),$=v.length>1?parseInt(v[1]):o,h=v.length>2?parseInt(v[2]):o,u=v.length>4?parseInt(v[4]):t,k=v.length>5?parseInt(v[5]):n,m=v.length>6?parseInt(v[6]):p;o>0&&(s=f+","+$+","+(o>h?o:h)+","+o+","+(t>u?t:u)+","+(n>k?n:k)+","+(p>m?p:m)),window.cookieWrite("s_ppv",s)}}void 0!==t&&(t.contextData.getPercentPageViewed="5.1"),window.pageName=void 0!==t&&t.pageName||"",window.cookieWrite=window.cookieWrite||function(e,i,t){if("string"==typeof e){if(g=function(){var e=window.location.hostname,i=window.location.hostname.split(".").length-1;if(e&&!/^[0-9.]+$/.test(e)){i=2<i?i:2;var t=e.lastIndexOf(".");if(0<=t){for(;0<=t&&1<i;)t=e.lastIndexOf(".",t-1),i--;t=0<t?e.substring(t):e}}return t}(),i=void 0!==i?""+i:"",t||""===i){if(""===i&&(t=-60),"number"==typeof t){var o=new Date;o.setTime(o.getTime()+6e4*t)}else o=t}return!!e&&(document.cookie=encodeURIComponent(e)+"="+encodeURIComponent(i)+"; path=/;"+(t?" expires="+o.toUTCString()+";":"")+(g?" domain="+g+";":""),void 0!==window.cookieRead)&&window.cookieRead(e)===i}},window.cookieRead=window.cookieRead||function(e){if("string"!=typeof e)return"";e=encodeURIComponent(e);var i=" "+document.cookie,t=i.indexOf(" "+e+"="),o=0>t?t:i.indexOf(";",t);return(e=0>t?"":decodeURIComponent(i.substring(t+2+e.length,0>o?i.length:o)))?e:""},window.p_fo=window.p_fo||function(e){return window.__fo||(window.__fo={}),!window.__fo[e]&&(window.__fo[e]={},!0)};var n=window.cookieRead("s_ppv"),p=n.indexOf(",")>-1?n.split(","):[];p[0]=p.length>0?decodeURIComponent(p[0]):"",e=e||(window.pageName?window.pageName:document.location.href),void 0===i||!0==i?window.ppvChange=!0:window.ppvChange=!1,void 0!==t&&t.linkType&&"o"===t.linkType||(window.ppvID&&window.ppvID===e||(window.ppvID=e,window.cookieWrite("s_ppv",""),o()),window.p_fo("s_gppvLoad2")&&window.addEventListener&&(window.addEventListener("load",o,!1),window.addEventListener("click",o,!1),window.addEventListener("scroll",o,!1)),this._ppvPreviousPage=p[0]?p[0]:"",this._ppvInitialPercentViewed=p[1]?p[1]:"",this._ppvHighestPercentViewed=p[2]?p[2]:"",this._ppvFinalPercentViewed=p[3]?p[3]:"",this._ppvHighestPixelsSeen=p[4]?p[4]:"",this._ppvFoldsAvailable=p[5]?p[5]:"",this._ppvFoldsSeen=p[6]?p[6]:"")}
/******************************************** END CODE TO DEPLOY ********************************************/
Use the plug-in
The getPercentPageViewed
function uses the following arguments:
(optional, string): A variable or value that is equal to the current page. Defaults to the Analytics AppMeasurementpageName
variable OR the current URL if the AppMeasurement pageName variable is not
(optional, boolean): Set this tofalse
) if you don’t want the plug-in to take into consideration any changes made to a page’s size after its initial load. If omitted, this argument defaults totrue
. Adobe recommends omitting this argument in most cases.
Calling this function returns nothing; instead, it sets the following variables:
: The name of the previous page viewed. Final scrolling measurements for the current page aren’t available until after a new page loads.window._ppvInitialPercentViewed
: The percent of the previous page that was visible when the previous page first loaded. If the entire page is visible when it first loads, this value is100
: The highest percent of the previous page that the visitor viewed (height-wise). The furthest point that the visitor scrolled down to on the previous page. If the entire page is visible when it first loads, this value is100
: The percent of the previous page that was visible at the point the visitor moved onto the current page. This value will be equal to or greater than the initial percent viewed and will also be equal to or less than the highest percent page viewed.window._ppvHighestPixelsSeen
: The highest number of total pixels seen (height-wise) as the visitor scrolled down the previous page.window._ppvFoldsAvailable
: The number of total “page folds” available to scroll down on the previous page. If the entire page is visible when it first loads, this value is1
: The highest number of “page folds” reached as the visitor scrolled down the previous page. This variable includes the “top-of-page” fold. If the entire page is visible when it first loads, this value is1
Assign one or more of these variables to eVars to see dimension data in reports.
This plug-in creates a first-party cookie called s_ppv
that contains the above values. It expires at the end of the browser session.
// 1. Runs the getPercentPageViewed function if the page variable is set
// 2. Sets prop1 to the previous value of the page variable
// 3. Sets prop2 to the intial percent, the highest percent, and the final percent viewed; the number of folds available on the page, and the number of folds viewed ( of the previous page)
if(s.pageName) getPercentPageViewed();
s.prop1 = _ppvPreviousPage;
s.prop2 = "initialPercent=" + _ppvInitialPercentViewed + " | highestPercent=" + _ppvHighestPercentViewed + " | finalPercent=" + _ppvFinalPercentViewed + " | foldsAvailable=" + _ppvFoldsAvailable + " | foldsSeen=" + _ppvFoldsSeen;
// Given prop5 operates as a page type variable:
// 1. Runs the getPercentPageViewed function if prop5 has a value
// 2. Sets prop1 to the previous value of the page type
// 3. Sets prop2 to the initial percent viewed and the highest percent viewed.
if(s.prop5) getPercentPageViewed(s.prop5);
s.prop1 = _ppvPreviousPage;
s.prop2 = "initialPercent=" + _ppvInitialPercentViewed + " | highestPercent=" + _ppvHighestPercentViewed;
Version History
5.1 (December 8, 2022)
- Added the
5.0.1 (June 22, 2021)
- Fixed an issue where certain special characters would cause the plugin to break
5.0 (March 19, 2021)
- Added version number as context data.
v4.0 (October 7, 2019)
- Added
v3.01 (August 13, 2018)
- Fixed an issue for pages that have multiple AppMeasurement objects on a page
v3.0 (April 13, 2018)
- Point release (recompiled, smaller code size)
- Plug-in now creates variables to be assigned to Adobe Analytics variables instead of return values