People-Based Destinations FAQ

Answers to common questions about People-Based Destinations.


I cannot see People-Based Destinations in my Audience Manager account. What do I need to know about availability?

People-Based Destinations is a premium Audience Manager feature that is available upon purchase. Please contact your Adobe sales representative for details about pricing and availability.

Data Onboarding

How can I onboard customer email addresses into Audience Manager, so that I can use them in People-Based Destinations?

There are two ways you can bring your offline data to Audience Manager for People-Based Destinations.

  • Use file-based ID synchronization. See Name and Content Requirements for ID Synchronization Files for details on what ID synchronization files should look like. When using this method, you can target all of the hashed email addresses from your CRM database.
  • Use Declared IDs to declare hashed email addresses when passing in authenticated customer IDs. When using this method, Audience Manager only activates the hashed email addresses from users who have authenticated online. The email addresses activated through Facebook are only the ones in the declared ID event calls. Other email addresses associated with the customer ID are not activated in real-time.

Can I collect hashed email addresses through a web form or mobile app or do they have to come through on a batch file?

You can collect hashed email addresses through web authentication using ECID with Declared IDs. The batch file allows you to also collect hashed email addresses that can’t be sent through authentication (e.g. dormant users in your (CRM) and activate them in people-based destinations.

How is ingesting hashed email addresses via web forms different from uploading hashed email addresses via batch files?

Offline data ingestion is designed to support use cases without authentication, and a new profile merge rule (All Cross-Device Profiles) that runs on all of the offline CRM profiles irrespective of authentication is available as part of People-Based Destinations. This method is meant to complement the ingestion of authenticated audiences from online sources.

What is the maximum frequency at which I can send/update hashed email addresses?

  • When using Declared IDs, Audience Manager sends the hashed email addresses to the destination in real time.
  • When ingesting data through ID synchronization files, Audience Manager processes them on a daily basis.

How do I know if the email address hashing is done correctly?

Audience Manager is not ingesting the raw email address and we cannot validate that the hash was done correctly. See Prerequisites and Considerations for details on how you should hash the onboarded data.

Profile Merge Rules

Is there a new profile merge rule that I can use with People-Based Destinations?

Yes. Customers who purchase People-Based Destinations are also granted access to a new profile merge rule for offline segmentation. The rule is called All Cross-Device Profiles and it is used for offline-only segmentation. When you sign up for People-Based Destinations, this is the fourth profile merge rule that you can create, aside from the three existing authentication-based rules.

Do I have to duplicate my existing audience segments to activate them in People-Based Destinations?

It depends on your use case. If you plan on activating existing first-party segments in people-based channels, you don’t need to create new segments. You can just map the segments to a people-based destination.

If you plan on activating new offline audiences in people-based channels, you need to create new first-party segments using the All Cross-Device Profiles merge rule.

You can only map segments with first-party data to People-Based Destinations. Our destination platforms do not accept segments with second- and third-party data.

Match Rates

Do People-Based Destinations have visibility into match rates or addressable audiences?

No. When sending audience segments to People-Based Destinations, audience matching happens on the partner side. Adobe does not have access to those metrics. Audience Manager shows you the maximum shareable audience for each destination and the real-time count of people belonging to a segment. This information can help you with campaign planning and forecasting.

How would match rates using People-Based Destinations theoretically compare to other methods of sending audiences to destination platforms?

As long as the email address is hashed and ingested correctly, there should be no difference in the match rate between People-Based Destinations and other methods. The only reason a match rate would be below 100% is if the email addresses brought into Audience Manager cannot be matched with an email address in the destination platform’s user base.

I collect work email addresses from my customers, which are different from the personal email addresses used in social networks. How do you match identities across multiple email addresses?

Audience Manager can collect and send up to 10 emails per user to destination platforms, but the email addresses need to be captured through synchronization files. After Audience Manager sends the email addresses to destination platforms, it is up to the platforms to match the email addresses against their own user base. Some platforms may have additional email address graphs to match addresses sent from Audience Manager to user profiles.

Can I use People-Based Destinations in Audience Lab?

No. Currently, all People-Based Destinations destinations are excluded from Audience Lab. Given that People-Based Destinations and demand-side platforms use different IDs, you cannot test and measure performance with audiences evenly split between them.

Data Export Controls

How do Data Export Controls work with People-Based Destinations?

Data Export Controls will block any segments containing second- and third-party data that users attempt to send to People-Based Destinations. People-Based Destinations only allow first-party data to be used for targeting. Data Export Controls also block segments using Profile Merge Rules with device graphs. People-Based Destinations are created with the appropriate data export labels checked and you cannot overwrite the export settings.

Partner Specific Questions


What do I need to do before I can send audience segments to Facebook?

Before you can use People-Based Destinations to send audience segments to Facebook, you need to perform the following configuration tasks:

  1. Add the Adobe Experience Cloud business account as an advertising partner in your Facebook Ad Account. Use business ID=206617933627973. See Add Partners to Your Business Manager for details.

    note important
    When configuring the permissions for Adobe Experience Cloud, you must enable the Manage campaigns permission. This is required for the People-Based Destinations integration.
  2. Read and sign the Facebook Custom Audiences Terms of Service. To do this, go to[accountID], where accountID is your Facebook Ad Account ID.

Do People-Based Destinations support audience targeting in other Facebook apps, such as Instagram?

You can use People-Based Destinations across Facebook’s family of apps that are supported by Custom Audiences, including Facebook, Instagram, Audience Network and Messenger. Selection of the app that you want to run campaign against is indicated at the placement level in Facebook Ads Manager.

What’s the difference between People-Based Destinations and Website Custom Audiences?

People-Based Destinations leverages the Custom Audiences (CA) integration with Facebook. The difference between WCA and CA integrations is the key that customers use when sending audiences to Facebook. WCA uses the Facebook pixel (which would be a website user ID) while People-Based Destinations use hashed email addresses to integrate with CA.

You can use Audience Manager’s Facebook WCA integration via the URL Destinations feature at no extra cost.

These two integrations are complementary; you can use both to ensure better audience coverage. As an example, WCA can be used for prospecting when a company is looking to target website visitors who have not registered an account, whereas People-Based Destinations can help you target existing customers who have supplied their email address but maybe not visited the website.

Does the People-Based Destinations integration with Facebook support disqualifying a users from an audience when they no longer qualify for it?

Yes, the integration supports removing users from Facebook audiences when they no longer qualify for them.
