Audience Marketplace for Data Buyers

Overview and workflow for data buyers who want to purchase third-party data from within Audience Manager.

Role-based permissions control access to Audience Marketplace features.
  • Administrators can create data feeds, manage subscribers, and subscribe to data feeds.
  • Users can search and view feeds only.

The Marketplace: About

The Marketplace is an Audience Manager feature for data buyers that lists data feeds you can subscribe to. It lists flat rate, CPM, and private data feeds. These feeds are provided by third-party vendors that use Audience Manager to sell data.

In the Marketplace, reporting tools let you track feed usage and the overlap between your traits and those in a subscribed data feed. Finally, with Audience Marketplace, Adobe takes care of invoices and fee payments (though you do have to self-report usage when subscribed to a CPM feed). These features let you find effective data sources without wasting time looking for a data provider.

Use the Adobe Audience Finder to find high quality data feeds that you can subscribe to. Then, go back into the Audience Manager user interface or use the Audience Marketplace Buyer API to subscribe to the feeds you found.


The Marketplace list contains information that you can sort and search to find the data feed that’s right for you. Items in the Marketplace buyer’s list include:

  • Search: Find data feeds by name or text description.
  • Similar Traits: Shows you the number of similar traits from a data feed. This column is shown after you enter a trait or segment to filter by in the Similarity To section.
  • Name: Name of the data feed.
  • Description: Information about the contents of a data feed.
  • Provider: Name of the data provider.
  • Traits: The number of traits in a data feed.
  • 30 Day Provider Unique Users: The number of unique users seen in the last 30 days.
  • 30 Day Overlapped Uniques: The number of users in your account that overlap with the users in the provider’s account.
  • Feed Overlap: The 30 day overlapped uniques value, displayed in percentages, calculated as: Data buyer 30 day overlapped uniques / Data buyer 30 day uniques) x 100.
  • Private Feeds: See Private Data Feeds.
  • Currently Subscribed Plan Count: The number of subscriptions you have with a data provider.

To easily find the best data feeds for your needs, use the following filters available on the left side of the Marketplace page:

  • Similarity To: Filter data feeds based on their similarity to either a trait or segment of your choosing. When entering the trait or segment to compare to, you can use the trait or segment ID, or their respective names.
  • Similarity Cutoff: Drag the slider to filter the data feeds based on how similar their traits are to your selected trait or segment. To learn more about trait similarity scores, see Trait Similarity Score
  • Subscription Status: Filter the data feeds based on your subscription status.
  • Plan Use Case: Filter data feeds based on their supported use cases: Activation, Segments and Overlap, and Modelling.
  • Plan Unit: Filter data feeds based on their pricing type.

Finding Similar Traits

Audience Marketplace gives you the option to find traits from various data feeds, based on their similarity to your existing traits or segments. Here’s how to do this:

  1. Go to Audience Marketplace > Marketplace.
  2. Use the Similarity To selector to choose between filtering based on a trait or segment. You can filter based on trait/segment ID or name. The search box automatically shows you relevant suggestions based on your input.
  3. Once you’ve identified the trait or segment that you want to filter by, click it in the suggestions list.
  4. To narrow down the results, use the Similarity Cutoff slider to move from less similar traits, to more similar ones.

Once the filtering is complete, you’ll see a new column in the results page: Similar Traits. This column shows you the number of similar traits to the one you filtered by, from each data feed that meets the filtering criteria.

To see the full list of similar traits, click the number in the Similar Traits column.

Audience Marketplace displays the top 500 similar trait results from across the data feeds.

Watch the video below for a full overview of how to find similar traits.

Private Data Feeds

In the Marketplace list, sometimes the provider’s name and trait data are marked as private. This indicates a private data feed. A private data feed lets sellers limit buyer access to their data. Sellers can make feeds private when they’re offering special deals, discounts, or when privacy and access control are important to them. As a buyer, you have to send a subscription request to the seller if you want access to a private feed. See Subscribe to a Private Data Feed for details.
