Data Sources List and Settings

View a list of your currently configured data sources, add new data sources, and edit existing data sources.

You can also manage data sources using API methods. For more information, see Data Source API Methods.

Data Sources List View

The Data Sources dashboard is a centralized workspace for managing data sources.

The Data Sources dashboard (Audience Data > Data Sources) contains features and tools that help you:

  • See all your existing data sources, including each data source’s description, status, and whether it is Inbound, Outbound, both, or a Shared Provider.
  • Search for data sources by name.
  • Create, edit, and delete data sources.

Data Source Settings and Menu Options

The settings in the different sections of the Data Source management interface identify your data source, determine how it is used or shared, and let you enable error reporting for the Onboarding Status Report.

Data Source Details

In addition to text fields, the Data Source Details section contains the controls and options listed below.

Menu Options
ID Type
  • Cookie: The cookie ID that identifies a device. You would select this when your data source is a web browser or when working with anonymous data or data that cannot be associated with a single person.

  • Device Advertising ID: The mobile device identifier. Select this when your data source is a mobile device or Internet enabled device.

  • Cross Device: A customer-provided, authenticated ID. Select this option when you want to create:

    • A cross-device data source and build a Profile Merge Rule.
    • A data source that uses links provided by a third-party device graph that is integrated with Audience Manager.
ID Definition

The ID Definition options define the relationship a data source has to an Audience Manager user ID (UUID) and associated devices linked by a third-party device graph that is integrated with Audience Manager. Options include:

  • Person: The ID used to define a single person. This ID can be mapped to multiple Audience Manager IDs.
  • Household: The ID used to define a group of people. This ID can be mapped to multiple Audience Manager IDs.

Data Export Controls

Data Export Controls are optional classification rules you can apply to a data source and destination. They prevent you from sending data to a destination when that action violates a data privacy or use agreement. Skip this section if you do not use Data Export Controls.

Export restrictions will not work unless you set a matching export label on a destination.

Options include:

  • No Restriction
  • Cannot be tied to personally identifiable information
  • Cannot be used for on-site ad targeting
  • Cannot be used for off-site ad targeting
  • Cannot be used for on-site personalization

Data Source Settings

The Data Source Settings contains the controls and options listed below. Some of these settings have additional sub-options and menu items that you can select to modify a data source.

Inbound Data Source Settings

Select the Inbound check box when your data source is designed to receive inbound data. Selecting the Inbound check box exposes 2 additional groups of controls described below.

The Inbound check box is only meant to display or hide the data source controls described below. Unchecking the Inbound option does not affect data ingestion in any way. Your onboarded data will be processed regardless of this option being checked.
Menu Options
ID Type

The Inbound option requires an ID type. Options include:

  • Customer ID: Identifies inbound data with a customer ID.
  • Audience Manager ID: Identifies inbound data with an Audience Manager ID.
  • Experience Cloud ID: Identifies inbound data with an Experience Cloud ID. See Cookies and the Experience Cloud ID.
File Format Troubleshooting

Select Enable file error sampling when you need to troubleshoot problems with inbound file processing. This feature generates an error sample report that shows you file format and syntax errors.

See Onboarding Status Report: About for information about error reporting and error sampling.

Other Data Source Settings

Select When
Your data source sends data to a destination.
Share Enabled
Your data source can be shared with other partners.
Use as an Authenticated Profile

Your cross-device data source contains an Authenticated ID. An Authenticated ID is collected and synced to an Audience Manager ID during an authentication event (e.g, a user logs in on-site, in-app, etc.). The Authenticated ID can be used to on-board data from other sources which store this ID. It can also be used to link multiple device IDs in Profile Link.

This option exposes a text field which lets you rename the data source with an alias. If you use an alias, this new name overrides the data source name and appears in the Authenticated Profile Options when you create a Profile Merge rule.

Use as a Device Graph

Creates a data source as a device graph which you can provide to other Audience Manager customers. Before you select this option, tell with your Audience Manager consultant which customers this Data Source should be shared with. Your consultant will have to provision those companies through our internal processes.

This option exposes a text field which lets you rename the data source with an alias. If you use an alias, this new name overrides the data source name and appears in the Device Options when you create a Profile Merge rule.

Share associated visitor or device IDs with specific Audience Manager Customers
Your cross-device data source contains IDs from a device graph. A device graph is a collection of IDs which map to one or more Audience Manager IDs to a cluster. This cluster typically represents a person or larger, household group. Available only to accounts listed as a "Data Provider."
Share associated visitor or device IDs across the Audience Manager Platform
Your data source contains visitor or device IDs that can be shared across other Experience Cloud solutions.
Data retention for inactive Customer IDs

Allows you to set the data retention period for inactive Customer IDs. This determines how long Audience Manager keeps Customer IDs in our database after they were last seen on the Audience Manager platform.

The default value is 24 months (720 days). The minimum value you can set is 1 month and the maximum value is 5 years. Note that we count all months as 30-days.

Audience Manager runs a process that deletes inactive Customer IDs once a week, in accordance with the data retention you set for inactive Customer IDs.

Audience Manager runs a process that deletes inactive Customer IDs once a week, in accordance with the data retention you set for inactive Customer IDs.

Note: This control is available only for cross-device data sources. See also, Create a Cross-Device Data Source.

Unique Trait Integration Codes
You want to enforce that two traits from the same data source don't have the same integration code.
Unique Segment Integration Codes
You want to enforce that two segments from the same data source don't have the same integration code.