Batch Outbound Data Transfers
Audience Manager sends batch data to third-party content providers according to these specifications.
Outbound Data File Name: Syntax and Examples
Describes the required fields, syntax, and conventions used to name an outbound data file.
Configure Batch Data Transfer Integration
Describes the methods through which you can get your batch data transfer integration configured.
Transfer-Control Files for Log File Transfers
Transfer-control (.info) files provide metadata information about file transfers so that partners can verify that Audience Manager handled file transfers correctly.
Lists the macros you can use to create outbound templates. These include file name macros, header macros, and content macros.
Examples of how some of the common macros are used to create outbound file templates.
Leverage Amazon S3 Cross-Account Bucket Permissions for Your Outbound Files
The Outbound Data Transfer process for customers using Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) requires us to ask for your Amazon S3 access key and secret key, in order to deliver the outbound data files to your bucket.