Applies to Campaign Classic v7 only

Create and manage operator groups operator-groups

Operator groups are created via the Administration > Access management > Operator groups node in the tree.

Create a new operator group creating-a-new-operator-group

To create a new operator group, apply the following steps:

  1. Click the New button to the right of the list of groups or right-click the list and choose New.

  2. In the section lower window, from the General tab, enter the name and a description for this group in the corresponding fields.

  3. Click the Content tab to define authorizations for this group.

  4. Click the Add button to select an appointed right or an operator to associate to the group.

  5. Click the drop-down list or on the folder to the right of the Folder field to locate the appointed rights or operators to associate to this group.

  6. Select the rights or operators to add and click OK to validate.

    Repeat this operation to add other rights or operators.

  7. Click the Save button to add the group to the list.

Default groups default-groups

The default operator groups are:

  1. Administrator

    The operators in this group have full access to the instance. Administrators are users who can access the most technical parts of the interface. They hold the Administration role and make sure that the platform is all set up.

    This group contains the following named right:

    • ADMINISTRATION: right to execute/create/edit/delete any object such as workflow, delivery, scripts, etc.
  2. Delivery operators

    The operators in this group are in charge of managing deliveries: they enable access to the main resources required for creating and preparing deliveries (campaign typologies, delivery mappings, default templates, personalization blocks, etc.).

    This group contains the following named rights:

    • PREPARE DELIVERIES: right to create, edit and start the delivery analysis,
    • START DELIVERIES: right to approve previously analyzed deliveries.
  3. Campaign managers

    The operators in this group can manage marketing campaigns: it lets you access the objects linked to campaigns (plans, programs, workflows, budgets, etc.) within the framework of Campaign (optional Adobe Campaign module).

    This group contains the following named rights:

    • INSERT FOLDERS: right to insert folders into the Adobe Campaign tree (provided you have editing rights for the concerned branches),
    • WORKFLOW: right to use workflows.
    note note
    This group does not enable operators to start deliveries.
  4. Content contributors

    The operators in this group can access the Content folders, within the framework of Content management (optional Adobe Campaign module). This group does not grant any additional rights.

  5. Access to reports

    This group is reserved for external operators, to access the delivery reports via a Web access.

  6. Workflow execution

    This group lets you assign operators the right to manage workflows which are unrelated to campaigns.

  7. Workflow supervisors

    The operators in this group receive an email notification in case of alerts concerning campaign workflows.

  8. Local / Central management

    These groups let you use Distributed marketing (optional Adobe Campaign module).

  9. Offer managers

    The operators in this group can create and maintain offers. For more information on this, refer to this page.
    This group contains the following named rights:

    • INSERT FOLDERS: Right to insert folders into the Adobe Campaign tree (provided you have editing rights for the concerned branches),
    • EDIT FOLDERS: Right to alter folder properties such as internal name, label, associated image, sub folder order, etc.