Applies to Campaign Classic v7 only
on-premise & hybrid
Applies to on-premise and hybrid deployments only

Configuration principle configuration-principle

The Adobe Campaign platform is based on the concept of instances, similar to that of virtual hosts used by Apache. This mode of operation lets you share a server by assigning several instances to it. Instances are completely separate from each other and operate with their own database and configuration file.

For a given server, there are two elements that are common to all Adobe Campaign instances:

  • The internal password: this is the general administrator password. It is common to all instances of a particular application server.

    note important
    To log on with the Internal identifier, you need to have defined a password beforehand. For more on this, refer to this section.
  • Multiple technical server configurations: these configurations can all be overloaded in the specific configuration of an instance.

The configuration files are saved in the conf directory of the installation directory. The configuration is broken down into three files:

  • serverConf.xml: overall configuration for all instances.
  • config-<instance>.xml (where <instance> is the instance name): specific configuration of an instance.
  • serverConf.xml.diff: delta between the initial configuration and the current configuration. This file is generated automatically by the application and must not be modified manually. It is used to automatically propagate user modifications when updating a build version.

An instance configuration is loaded as follows:

  • The module loads the serverConf.xml file to obtain the parameters shared by all instances.

  • It then loads the config-<instance>.xml file. The values found in this file have priority over values contained in serverConf.xml.

    These two files have the same format. Any value in serverConf.xml can be overloaded for a given instance in the config-<instance>.xml file.

This operating mode provides great flexibility for configurations.
