Applies to Campaign Classic v7
Also applies to Campaign v8

Create LINE deliveries line-channel

LINE is an application for free instant messaging, voice and video calls, available on every mobile OS and on PC.

LINE can also be combined with the transactional message module to send real time messages on the LINE app installed in consumer mobile devices. For more on this, refer to this page.

The steps for using the LINE channel are:

Set up LINE channel setting-up-line-channel

Before creating a LINE account and external account, you first need to install the LINE package on your instance. For more information on this, consult this section.

You must first create a LINE account, so that you can then link it to Adobe Campaign. Then, you can send LINE messages to the users that have added your LINE account in their mobile application. External accounts and LINE account can only be managed by the functional administrator of the platform.

To create and configure a LINE account, see LINE developers documentation.

Create and configure LINE service configure-line-service

To create your LINE service:

  1. From the Adobe Campaign Classic homepage, select the Profiles and Targets tab.

  2. In the left-hand menu, select Services and Subscriptions and click Create.

  3. Add a Label and Internal name to your new service.

  4. Select LINE from the Type drop-down.

  5. Click Save.

For more information on subscriptions and services, see Managing subscriptions.

Configure LINE external account configure-line-external

After creating your LINE service, you need to configure the LINE external account on Adobe Campaign:

  1. In the Administration > Platform tree structure, click the External Accounts tab.

  2. Select the built-in LINE V2 routing external account.

  3. Click the LINE tab from your external account to start configuring your external account. Fill the following fields:

    • Channel Alias: is provided via your LINE account in the Channels > Technical configuration tab.
    • Channel ID: is provided via your LINE account in the Channels > Basic Information panel tab.
    • Channel secret key: is provided via your LINE account in the Channels > Basic Information panel tab.
    • Access token: is provided via your LINE account in the developer portal or by clicking the Get access token button.
    • Access token expiration date: allows you to specify the expiration date of the Access token.
    • LINE subscription service: allows you to specify the services to which the users will be subscribed.
  4. Once your configuration is done, click Save.

  5. From the Explorer, select Administration > Production > Technical workflows > LINE workflows to check if the LINE V2 access token update (updateLineAccessToken) and Delete blocked LINE users (deleteBlockedLineUsers) workflows have started.

The LINE is now configured in Adobe Campaign, you can start creating and sending LINE deliveries to subscribers.

Create LINE delivery creating-the-delivery

When sending a LINE delivery to a new recipient for the first time, you must add the official LINE message regarding the terms of use and consent into the delivery. The official message is available at the following link.

To create a LINE delivery you have to follow these steps:

  1. From the Campaigns tab, select Deliveries then click the Create button.

  2. Select LINE V2 delivery delivery template.

  3. Identify your delivery with a Label, Delivery code, and Description. For more on this, refer to this section.

  4. Click Continue to create your delivery.

  5. In the delivery editor, select To to target the recipients of your LINE delivery. Targeting is carried out on Visitor subscriptions (nms:visitorSub).

    For more information, refer to Identifying target populations.

  6. Click Add to select your Delivery target population.

  7. Choose if you want to target LINE subscribers directly or if you want to target users depending on their LINE subscription and click Next. In this example, we selected By LINE V2 subscription.

  8. Select Line-V2 in the Folder drop-down then your LINE service. Click Finish then Ok to start personalizing your delivery.

  9. From your delivery editor, click Add to add one or multiple message and select the Content type.

    For more information on the different Content type available, refer to Define the content type.

  10. When your delivery is created and configured correctly, you can send it to the target defined earlier.

    For more information on sending a delivery, refer to Send messages.

  11. After sending your message, access your report to measure the effectiveness of your delivery.

    For more information on LINE reports, refer to Access reports.

Define the content type defining-the-content

To define the content of a LINE delivery, you first have to add message type to your delivery. Each LINE delivery can contain up to 5 messages.

You can choose between three message types:

Configuring a Text message delivery configuring-a-text-message-delivery

The <%@ include option='NmsServer_URL' %>/webApp/APP3?id=<%=escapeUrl(cryptString(visitor.id))%> syntax allows you to include a link to a web app in a LINE message.

A Text message LINE delivery is a message sent to recipients in text form.

The configuration for this type of message is similar to the configuration of the Text in an email. For more information, refer to this page.

An Image and link LINE delivery is a message sent to recipients in the form of an image that may contain one or multiple URLs.

You can use:

  • a Personalized image,

    note note
    You can use the %SIZE% variable to optimize the image display according to the screen size of the recipient’s mobile device.

  • an Image URL per device screen size,

    The Define images per device screen size option allows you to use different image resolutions to optimize delivery visibility on mobile devices. Only images with same height and width are supported.

    Images can be defined according to the screen size:

    • 1040px
    • 700px
    • 460px
    • 300px
    • 240px
    note caution
    The 1040x1040 px size is mandatory for every LINE image with link.

    You then have to add alternative text that will pop up on the recipient’s mobile device.

  • and Links.

    The Links section allows you to choose between different layouts that will divide your image in multiple clickable regions. You can then assign each of them a dedicated Link URL.

Configuring a Video message delivery configuring-a-video-message-delivery

A Video message LINE delivery is a message sent to recipients in the form of a video that can contain an URL.

The Preview Image URL field allows you to add the URL of a preview image with a character limit of 1000. JPEG and PNG are supported with a file size limit of 1 MB.

The Video Image URL field allows you to add the URL of your video file with a character limit of 1000. Only mp4 format is supported with a file size limit of 200 MB.

Note that wide or tall videos may be cropped when played on some devices.

Accessing reports accessing-reports

After sending your delivery, you can view your LINE reports via the menu Campaign Management > Deliveries from the Explorer.

The tracking reports indicate the click-through rate. LINE does not take the open rate into account.

For LINE service reports, access the menu Profiles and Targets > Services and Subscriptions > LINE-V2 from the Explorer tab. Then click the Reports icon in the LINE service.

Example: create and send a personalized LINE message example--create-and-send-a-personalized-line-message

In this example, we are going to create and configure a text message and an image containing data that will be personalized according to the recipient.

  1. Create your LINE delivery by clicking the Create button from the Campaign tab.

  2. Select the LINE V2 delivery delivery template and name your delivery.

  3. In the configuration window of your delivery, select your target population.

    For more information, refer to Identifying target populations.

  4. Click Add to create your message and select the Content type.

    Here, we first want to create a Text message.

  5. Place your cursor where you want to insert the personalized text and click the drop-down icon then select Visitor > First name.

  6. Follow the same procedure to add an image, selecting Image and links in the Message type drop-down.

    Add your Image URL.

  7. In the Links section, select the layout that will divide your image in multiple clickable regions.

  8. Assign an URL to each region of your image.

  9. Save your delivery then click Send to analyze and send it to the target.

    The delivery is sent to the target.
