Extending the profile resource with a new field

About extending profiles

This use case details how to extend a profile and a test profile with a dedicated field.

Here, we want to update our profiles with the new field using a landing page then target profiles with a newsletter specific to their interests.

To do so, follow the steps below:

The following field will then be added to our profiles and can be targeted in a delivery:

Related topics:

Step 1: Extend the profile resource

To create the new Interest field for our profiles, you first need to extend the out-of-the-box Profiles (profile) resource.

  1. From the advanced menu, via the Adobe Campaign logo, select Administration > Development, then Custom resources.

  2. If you have not extended the Profiles resource yet, click Create.

  3. Choose the Extend an existing resource option.

  4. Select the Profile (profile) resource.

  5. Click Create.

  6. In the Fields category of the Data structure tab, click Create element.

    note note
    Note that if you already extended the Profile resource for previous purposes, you can start at this step by clicking Add field.

  7. Add a Label and an ID. Select the Text type and click Add.

  8. To configure your field, in the Data structure tab under the Fields drop-down, click then from your previously created field.

  9. In this example we want to add specific values, to do so click Specify a list of authorized values.

  10. Click Add an element then add as many value as needed by adding a Label and an ID and clicking Add.

    In this example, create the Books, Exhibitions, Movies and N/A values for profiles to choose between these options.

  11. To add this field in the Profile screen, click the Screen definition tab.

  12. In the Detail screen configuration drop-down, click Add a personalized fields section and click Create element.

  13. Select a Type. Here we want to add an input field. Then, select your previously created field and click Add.

  14. To add a separator to better organize your profile window, click Create an element and select Separator from the Type drop-down.

Your field is now configured. We now need to extend it to the test profile.

If you don’t need to extend the test profile resource, you can jump to the Publishing step.

Step 2: Extend the test profile

To test if the new created field is correctly configured, you can test it by sending your delivery to your test profiles. First, the new field also needs to be carried out to the test profiles.

  1. From the advanced menu, via the Adobe Campaign logo, select Administration > Development, then Custom resources.

  2. If you have not extended the Profiles resource yet, click Create.

  3. Choose the Extend an existing resource option.

  4. Select the Test profile (seedMember) resource.

  5. Click Create.

  6. In the Data structure tab, click Create element.

  7. Select your previously created resource field and click Add.

  8. Carry out the same steps from step 11 to 13 as the extend profile walkthrough above to add this field in the Test profile screen.

  9. Click Save.

Both profiles and test profiles will now have your new field available. For it to be correctly configured, you need to publish your custom resource.

Step 3: Publish your custom resource

To apply the changes carried out on the resources and be able to use it, you must perform a database update.

  1. From the advanced menu, select Administration > Development, then Publishing.

  2. By default, the option Determine modifications since the last publication is checked, which means that only the changes carried out since the last update will be applied.

  3. Click Prepare publication to start the analysis which will update your database.

  4. Once the publication has been carried out, click the Publish button to apply your new configurations.

  5. Once published, the Summary pane of each resource indicates that the status is now Published and specifies the date of the last publication.

  6. Select the Profiles tab and click New to see if your changes have been correctly implemented.

Your new resource field is now ready to be used and targeted in a delivery for example.

Step 4: Update and target profiles with a workflow

To update profiles with data for the new custom field, you can create a landing page using the Profile acquisition template. For more information on landing pages, refer to this page.

Here, we want to target in a workflow profiles that didn’t fill this field. They will receive an email asking them to update their profiles to receive personalized newsletters and offers. Each profile will then receive a personalized newsletter depending on their chosen interests.

First, we need to create a landing page that will update the Interest fields of the targeted profiles:

  1. From the Marketing activities, click Create then select Landing page.

  2. Select a landing page type. Here, since we want to update our profiles, select Profile acquisition.

  3. Click Create.

  4. Click the Content block to start editing the content of your landing page.

  5. Customize your landing page as needed.

  6. Click the field configured for your profiles to choose between the selection of Interests. In the left pane, select your previously created Interest custom resource.

  7. Save your landing page and test it to check that your fields are correctly configured.

  8. Click Publish when your landing page is ready.

Your landing page is now ready. To update the profiles, you can create a workflow that will then send a special offer depending on the chosen Interest.

  1. From the Marketing activities tab, click Create then select Workflow.

  2. Drag and drop a Query activity to target the profiles or audiences you need.

  3. Drag and drop an Email delivery activity to start configuring your email which will contain a link to the landing page. Select the Add an outbound transition with the population.

  4. Create and design your email as needed. For more information on email personalization, refer to this page.

  5. Add a button to your email that will redirect profiles to your landing page.

  6. Select the added button and click in the Link section in the left pane.

  7. In the Insert link window, select Landing page from the Link type drop-down then select the previously created landing page.

  8. Click Save. Your email is now ready, you can come back to your workflow.

  9. Add a Wait activity to let some time for your profiles to fill the landing page.

  10. Add a Segmentation activity to split the outbound transition depending on their Interests.

  11. Create an outbound segment for each Interest.

  12. Add an Email delivery activity after each transition and create a personalized email depending on the chosen Interest.

  13. Start the workflow when the configuration is done.

Profiles will now receive the email asking them to fill out this Interest field followed by a personalized email depending on the chosen value.
