Work with deliveries work-with-deliveries

Create a delivery create-delivery

You can create standalone deliveries from the Deliveries left menu, or create deliveries in the context of a workflow, included or not in a campaign.

Browse the tabs below to learn how to create a delivery:

Create a standalone delivery

To create a standalone delivery, follow these steps:

  1. Browse to the Deliveries menu on the left navigation, and click the Create delivery button.

  2. Choose a channel for the delivery.

  3. Define the delivery audience, for the main target and the control group. Learn more about audiences.

  4. Define the message content. Learn more about delivery channels and how to define a delivery content in these sections:

  5. (optional) Define the delivery schedule. If no schedule is defined, messages are sent immediatly after clicking the Send button.

  6. Click the Review and send button to check your settings.

  7. Use the Simulate content button to test your delivery, and personalization settings. Learn more about message simulation in this section.

  8. Click the Prepare button to compute the target population and generate the messages. Preparation step can take a few minutes. When preparation is complete, messages are ready for sending. In case of an error, browse to the Logs to check alerts and warning.

  9. Check results, and click the Send button to start sending messages.

  10. Once messages are sent, browse to the Reports section to access key metrics. Learn more about delivery reports in this section.

Create a delivery in a workflow

To create a delivery in a workflow, follow these steps:

  1. Create a workflow or open an existing workflow. Learn more about workflows

  2. Add and configure a Build audience activity.

  3. Click the + icon and select a delivery activity: Email, SMS, Push notification (Android) or Push notification (iOS). Learn more about delivery channel activities in a workflow, and how to define a delivery content in this section.

  4. Start the workflow, and check logs.

You can also add deliveries in a campaign without creating a workflow. To achieve this, browse to the Deliveries tab of your campaign and click the Create delivery button.


Configuration steps are similar as for standalone deliveries.

For more information on how to configure a campaign and manage deliveries which belong to a campaign, refer to this section.

Add personalization personalization

Messages delivered by Adobe Campaign can be personalized in various ways. Learn more about personalization capabilities.

Use Campaign to create dynamic content and send personalized messages. Personalization capabilities can be combined to improve your messages and create a custom user experience.

You can personalize the message content by:

  • Inserting dynamic personalization fields

    Personalization fields are used for first-level personalization of your messages. You can select any field available in the database from the personalization editor. For a delivery, you can select any field related to the recipient, the message or the delivery. These personalization attributes can be inserted in the subject line or the body of your messages. Learn more

  • Inserting pre-defined content blocks

    Campaign comes with a set of personalization blocks which contain a specific rendering that you can insert into your deliveries. For example, you can add a logo, a greeting message, or a link to the mirror page of the message. Content blocks are available from a dedicated entry un the personalization editor. Learn more

  • Create conditional content

    Configure conditional content to add dynamic personalization based on the recipient’s profile for example. Text blocks and/or images are inserted when a particular condition is true. Learn more

  • Add personalized offers

    Insert personalized offers in your message content, depending on the recipient location, the current weather, or the last purchase order. Learn more

Preview and test your deliveries

Once your message content has been defined, you can preview it to control the rendering of your messages, and check personalization settings with test profiles. Learn more

Schedule the delivery sending gs-schedule

You can set the date and the exact time for sending your messages. By choosing the most appropriate time for your marketing message, you can maximise open rates.

To schedule the sending of the a delivery, open your delivery and browse to the Schedule section. Use the Enable scheduling toggle to activate it, and set the desired date and time for sending. Once you send the delivery, the actual sending will start on the contact date you have defined.


By default, the Enable confirmation before sending option is enabled. This option requires you to confirm the sending before the delivery is sent at the scheduled date and time. If you need to send the delivery automatically on the scheduled date and time, you can disable this option.

Learn steps to send a scheduled delivery in this section.

Monitoring and tracking logs gs-tracking-logs

Monitoring your deliveries after they have been sent is a key step to ensure your maketing campaigns are efficient and reach out to your customers.

You can monitor after sending a delivery, as well as understand how delivery failures and quarantines are managed.

Learn more about monitoring and tracking capabilities in this section.

Duplicate a delivery delivery-duplicate

You can create a copy of an existing delivery, either from the delivery list or from the delivery dashboard.

To duplicate a delivery from the list of deliveries, follow these steps:

  1. Click the three dots button on the right, next to the name of the delivery to duplicate.
  2. Select Duplicate.
  3. Confirm duplication: the new delivery dashboard opens in the central screen.

To duplicate a delivery from its dashboard, follow these steps:

  1. Open the delivery and click the …More button on the top section of the screen.
  2. Select Duplicate.
  3. Confirm duplication: the new delivery replaces the current delivery in the central screen.

Delete a delivery delivery-delete

Deliveries are deleted from the delivery list - either from the main delivery entry in the left rail, or from the delivery list of a campaign.

To delete a delivery from the list of deliveries, follow these steps:

  1. Click the three dots button on the right, next to the name of the delivery to duplicate.
  2. Select Delete.
  3. Confirm deletion.

Delete a delivery from the delivery list

All deliveries are available in these lists, but deliveries created in a workflow cannot be deleted from there. To delete a delivery created in the context of a workflow, you must delete the delivery activity from the workflow.

To delete a delivery from a workflow, follow these steps:

  1. Select the delivery activity .
  2. Click the Delete icon on the right panel.
  3. Confirm deletion. If the delivery has child nodes, you can choose to delete them as well, or to keep them.

Delete a delivery in a workflow
