Back up the database

You can create a copy of your database using the ece-tools db-dump command without capturing all environment data from services and mounts. By default, this command creates backups in the /app/var/dump-main directory for all database connections that are specified in the environment configuration. The DB dump operation switches the application to maintenance mode, stops consumer queue processes, and disables cron jobs before the dump begins.

Consider the following guidelines for DB dump:

  • For Production environments, Adobe recommends completing database dump operations during off-peak hours to minimize service disruptions that occur when the site is in maintenance mode.
  • If an error occurs during the dump operation, the command deletes the dump file to conserve disk space. Review the logs for details (var/log/cloud.log).
  • For Pro Production environments, this command dumps only from one of the three high-availability nodes, so production data written to a different node during the dump might not be copied. The command generates a var/dbdump.lock file to prevent the command from running on more than one node.
  • For a backup of all environment services, Adobe recommends creating a backup.

You can choose to back up multiple databases by appending the database names to the command. The following example backs up two databases: main and sales:

php vendor/bin/ece-tools db-dump main sales

Use the php vendor/bin/ece-tools db-dump --help command for more options:

  • --dump-directory=<dir>—Choose a target directory for the database dump
  • --remove-definers—Remove DEFINER statements from the database dump

To create a database dump in the Staging or Production environment:

  1. Use SSH to log in or create a tunnel to connect to the remote environment that contains the database to copy.

  2. List the environment relationships and note the database login information.

    code language-bash
    echo $MAGENTO_CLOUD_RELATIONSHIPS | base64 -d | json_pp


    code language-bash
    php -r 'print_r(json_decode(base64_decode($_ENV["MAGENTO_CLOUD_RELATIONSHIPS"]))->database);'
  3. Create a backup of the database. To choose a target directory for the DB dump, use the --dump-directory option.

    code language-bash
    php vendor/bin/ece-tools db-dump -- main

    Sample response:

    code language-terminal
    The db-dump operation switches the site to maintenance mode, stops all active cron jobs and consumer queue processes, and disables cron jobs before starting the dump process.
    Your site will not receive any traffic until the operation completes.
    Do you wish to proceed with this process? (y/N)? y
    2020-01-28 16:38:08] INFO: Starting backup.
    [2020-01-28 16:38:08] NOTICE: Enabling Maintenance mode
    [2020-01-28 16:38:10] INFO: Trying to kill running cron jobs and consumers processes
    [2020-01-28 16:38:10] INFO: Running Magento cron and consumers processes were not found.
    [2020-01-28 16:38:10] INFO: Waiting for lock on db dump.
    [2020-01-28 16:38:10] INFO: Start creation DB dump for main database...
    [2020-01-28 16:38:10] INFO: Finished DB dump for main database, it can be found here: /tmp/qxmtlseakof6y/dump-main-1580229490.sql.gz
    [2020-01-28 16:38:10] INFO: Backup completed.
    [2020-01-28 16:38:11] NOTICE: Maintenance mode is disabled.
  4. The db-dump command creates a dump-<timestamp>.sql.gz archive file in the remote project directory.

If you want to push this data to a specific environment, see Migrate data and static files.