Composer project structure

This guide describes how to set up and maintain the separate packages option described in the global reference architecture (GRA) examples.


Before you begin, verify the following:

  • You have a Git repository
  • You have a Composer repository (this topic highlights Private Packagist)
  • You have configured your Composer repository to mirror the and repositories

Main Git project repository

The main Git project repository should contain only a Composer project. You can manage everything else with Composer packages. The main project should never contain anything other than the following file structure because Composer installs all other packages through dependencies:

├─ .git/
├─ .gitignore
├─ composer.json
└─ composer.lock

Add the following content to the .gitignore file:


Initialize the main project

  1. Create a Git repository called project-<region/country/brand>.

  2. Create composer.json and composer.lock files:

    code language-bash
    composer create-project --no-install --repository-url= magento/project-enterprise-edition project-<region/country/brand>
    cd <install-directory-name>
    printf '/*\n!/composer.json\n!/composer.lock\n!/.gitignore' > .gitignore
    composer config --unset version
    composer config name '<client>/project-<region/country/brand>'
    composer config description '<client> <region/country/brand> main composer project'
    composer config repositories.private-packagist composer<client>/
    composer config false
    composer config --unset repositories.0
    composer install
    git init
    git add --all
    git commit -m 'initialize project'
    git remote add origin<client>/project-<region/country/brand>.git
    git push -u origin master

Save non-module files

  1. Add the app/etc/config.xml file to the Git repository.

    You can use the module that you are going to create to install other region or brand-specific files, such as .htaccess, Google or Bing authentication text files, executables, or other static files that are not managed by Adobe Commerce modules.

    Use magento2-component type packages to create a file mapping to copy files into the main Git repository during composer install and composer update operations.

  2. Create a Git repository that follows the naming convention component-environment-<region/country/brand>:

    code language-bash
    bin/magento module:enable --all
    cd ../
    mkdir component-environment-<region/country/brand>
    cd component-environment-<region/country/brand>
    composer init --no-interaction \
     --name='<client>/component-environment-<region/country/brand>' \
     --description='<client> <region/country/brand> environment files' \
     --type=magento2-component \
    mkdir -p app/etc
    cp ../project-<region/country/brand>/app/etc/config.php app/etc/
    composer config -e
  3. Add the app/etc/config.php file as a mapping in the attribute of your composer.json file:

    code language-json
        "name": "example-client/component-environment-emea",
        "description": "Example client EMEA environment files",
        "type": "magento2-component",
        "require": {
            "magento/magento-composer-installer": "*"
        "extra": {
            "map": [
  4. Validate your composer.json file and commit it to the Git repository:

    code language-bash
    composer validate
    git init
    git add --all
    git commit -m 'initialize component'
    git remote add origin<client>/component-environment-<region/country/brand>.git
    git push -u origin master
    git tag 0.1.0 -m "0.1.0"
    git push --tags

Set up metapackages

  1. Create the following Git repositories:

    • meta-gra
    • meta-<region/country/brand>
  2. Set up the following dependency tree:

    code language-tree
    └─ requires -> client/meta-<region/country/brand>
                   ├─ requires -> client/component-environment-<region/country/brand>
                   └─ requires -> client/meta-gra
                                  └─ requires -> magento/product-enterprise-edition
  3. Create the GRA metapackage:

    code language-bash
    cd ..
    mkdir meta-gra
    cd meta-gra
    composer init --no-interaction \
     --name='<client>/meta-gra' \
     --description='<client> GRA meta package' \
     --type=metapackage \
    git init
    git add --all
    git commit -m 'initialize meta package'
    git remote add origin<client>/meta-gra.git
    git push -u origin master
    git tag 0.1.0 -m "0.1.0"
    git push --tags
  4. Create the brand metapackage:

    code language-bash
    cd ..
    mkdir meta-<region/country/brand>
    cd meta-<region/country/brand>
    composer init --no-interaction \
     --name='<client>/meta-<region/country/brand>' \
     --description='<client> <region/country/brand> meta package' \
     --type=metapackage \
     --require="<client>/component-environment-<region/country/brand>:~0.1" \
    git init
    git add --all
    git commit -m 'initialize meta package'
    git remote add origin<client>/meta-<region/country/brand>.git
    git push -u origin master
    git tag 0.1.0 -m "0.1.0"
    git push --tags
  5. Require the collection through dependency management in the main project:

    code language-bash
    cd ../project-<region/country/brand>
    rm app/etc/config.php
    composer remove --no-update magento/product-enterprise-edition
    composer require --no-update "<client>/meta-<region/country/brand>:~0.1"
    composer config minimum-stability alpha
    composer config prefer-stable true
    composer update
    git add --all
    git commit -m 'set up GRA dependency tree'
    git push origin master
    git tag 0.1.0 -m "0.1.0"
    git push --tags
  6. Verify that Composer copied the app/etc/config.php file from <client>/component-environment-<region/country/brand>.

Deploy code

On the web server, you can deploy code using Composer, but you cannot update the main project. Reinstall the project using Composer with every new deployment, which eliminates the requirement for the production and test servers to have access to Git.

Add other instances and packages

Each instance (region, brand, or otherwise unique Adobe Commerce installation) should get its own main project instance, specific metapackage, and environment component package. The GRA metapackage should be shared across all instances.

Functional packages (such as Adobe Commerce modules, themes, language packs, and libraries) and third-party packages should be required by either:

  • GRA metapackage—For installation on all instances
  • instance-specific metapackage—For installation on a single brand or region
Do not require packages in the main project’s composer.json file on the main or release branches.

Prepare for development

For development, install develop versions of all modules that you maintain.

Depending on your branching strategy, you might have develop, qa, uat, and main branches. Each branch exists in Composer with a dev- prefix. So the develop branch can be required through Composer as version dev-develop.

  1. Create develop branches in all modules and project repositories.

    code language-bash
    cd ../component-environment-<region/country/brand>
    git checkout master
    git checkout -b develop
    git push -u origin develop
    cd ../meta-<region/country/brand>
    git checkout master
    git checkout -b develop
    git push -u origin develop
    cd ../meta-gra
    git checkout master
    git checkout -b develop
    git push -u origin develop
    cd ../project-<region/country/brand>
    git checkout master
    git checkout -b develop
    git push -u origin develop
    composer require \
    "magento-services/meta-fantasy-corp:dev-develop as 0.999" \
    "magento-services/meta-gra:dev-develop as 0.999" \
    "magento-services/component-environment-fantasy-corp:dev-develop as 0.999"

    The previous step generates the following lines in your composer.json file:

    code language-json
    "require": {
        "magento-services/component-environment-fantasy-corp": "dev-develop as 0.999",
        "magento-services/meta-fantasy-corp": "dev-develop as 0.999",
        "magento-services/meta-gra": "dev-develop as 0.999"
    note important
    Do not merge these composer.json file changes to your production branch. Install only stable versions of packages on release and main branches. You can define these dependencies for qa branches and other non-main branches.