Metric Dim Wizard

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Use the Metric Dim wizard to create a new Metric Dimension.

A Metric Dim converts a metric into a new dimension. For example, a Metric Dim based on a metric of Page Views and level of Visitor will display dimension elements based on the total Page Views for each Visitor. It lets you extend a currently defined metric based on dimension elements to create and save as a new dimension.

Step 1: select dimension and metric

  1. Open the Metric Dim Wizard.

    In a workspace, right-click and select Tools > Create Metric Dim.

  2. Name the Metric Dim.

    As a default, the Name field will auto-populate based on Level and Metric selections.

  3. Select a Dimension Level. The dimension level is the parent dimension containing all constituent element values to filter input and define a dimension type.

    Dimension levels include:

    • Clickthrough
    • Hit
    • Product
    • Visit
    • Visitor
  4. Select a Metric.

    Select a pre-built metric to extend and save as a metric dim.

  5. (optional) Create a Metric Formula.

    Click the box to enter a custom metric formula. The calculated Preview value will appear validating the expression.

    You can add your own metric expression or cut and paste from another metric editor or visualization. Syntax errors, formula errors, undefined filters, and other errors are reported in the wizard.

  6. Click Next.

Step 2: format and set buckets

You can select the metric format and set the bucket values for a dimension expression.

  1. Select a Format for the new metric dim.

    The format defines how the metric will be presented when opened in a visualization. These formats are selected printf standards, defined below:

    code language-none
    0.2lf = % _ [flags] 0 [width] .2 [.precision] l [length] f[ specifier]

    In the Preview field, a value will appear based on the metric and format selected.

  2. Add Bucket Count expression.

    You can define a metric dim with various ranges, or buckets. This returns subsets of elements based on size, such as [0-4], [5-10],…). Elements of the Dimension Level relate to the elements whose range contains the value of metric. See the bucket expression description at Syntax for Dimension Expressions.

  3. Click Preview to open table of Metric Dim values before saving.

    The table details metric values per metric dim.

  4. Click Show in Dimension Menu to add the newly created dimension to the Dimension tab in the Finder.

  5. Click Next.

Step 3: finish and save

  1. Select to launch the Metric Dim Editor, graph visualization, or table after saving.

    table 0-row-2 1-row-2 2-row-2 3-row-2
    Field Description
    Launch Metric Dim Editor Open the Metric Dim Editor.
    Launch Graph Launch a PNG graphic of the table.
    Launch Table Launch a table in the workspace with values in columns listing values of the new metric dim compared with values of the selected metric.
  2. Click Finish and save.

    A save dialog will open allowing you to save the file. The selected options to view values will open in the workspace.
