Campaign Classic - Technical recommendations technical-recommendations

Several techniques, configurations, and tools that you can use to improve your deliverability rate when using Adobe Campaign Classic are listed below.

Configuration configuration

Reverse DNS reverse-dns

Adobe Campaign checks whether a reverse DNS is given for an IP address and that this correctly points back to the IP.

An important point in the network configuration is making sure a correct reverse DNS is defined for each of the IP addresses for outgoing messages. This means that for a given IP address, there is a reverse DNS record (PTR record) with a matching DNS (A record) looping back to the initial IP address.

The domain choice for a reverse DNS has an impact when dealing with certain ISPs. AOL, in particular, only accepts feedback loops with an address in the same domain as the reverse DNS (see Feedback loop).

You can use this external tool to verify the configuration of a domain.

MX rules mx-rules

MX rules (Mail eXchanger) are the rules that manage communication between a sending server and a receiving server.

More precisely, they are used to control the speed at which the Adobe Campaign MTA (Message Transfer Agent) sends emails to each individual email domain or ISP (for example,, These rules are typically based on limits published by the ISPs (for example, do not include more than 20 messages per each SMTP connection).

For more on MX management in Adobe Campaign Classic, refer to this section.

TLS tls

TLS (Transport Layer Security) is an encryption protocol that can be used to secure the connection between two email servers and protect the content of an email from being read by anyone other than the intended recipients.

Sender’s domain sender-domain

To define the domain used for the HELO command, edit the instance’s configuration file (conf/config-instance.xml) and define a “localDomain” attribute as follows:

    <dnsConfig localDomain=""/>

The MAIL FROM domain is the domain used in technical bounce messages. This address is defined in the deployment wizard or via the NmsEmail_DefaultErrorAddr option.

SPF record dns-configuration

An SPF record can currently be defined on a DNS server as a TXT type record (code 16) or an SPF type record (code 99). An SPF record takes the form of a character string. For example:

v=spf1 ip4: ip4: ~all

defines the two IP addresses, and, as authorized to send emails for the domain. ~all means that any other address should be interpreted as a SoftFail.

Recommendations for defining an SPF record:

  • Add ~all (SoftFail) or -all (Fail) at the end to reject all servers other than those defined. Without this, servers will be able to forge this domain (with a Neutral evaluation).
  • Do not add ptr ( recommends against this as costly and unreliable).
Learn more on SPF in this section.


Learn more on the different forms of email authentication in this section.

DKIM dkim-acc

For hosted or hybrid installations, if you have upgraded to the Enhanced MTA, DKIM email authentication signing is done by the Enhanced MTA for all messages with all domains.

Using DKIM with Adobe Campaign Classic requires the following prerequisite:

Adobe Campaign option declaration: in Adobe Campaign, the DKIM private key is based on a DKIM selector and a domain. It is not currently possible to create multiple private keys for the same domain/sub-domain with different selectors. It is not possible to define which selector domain/sub-domain must be used for the authentication in neither the platform or the email. The platform will alternatively select one of the private keys, which means the authentication has a high chance of failing.

  • If you have configured DomainKeys for your Adobe Campaign instance, you just need to select dkim in the Domain management rules. If not, follow the same configuration steps (private/public key) as for DomainKeys (which replaced DKIM).
  • It is not necessary to enable both DomainKeys and DKIM for the same domain as DKIM is an improved version of DomainKeys.
  • The following domains currently validate DKIM: AOL, Gmail.

Feedback loop feedback-loop-acc

A feedback loop works by declaring at the ISP level a given email address for a range of IP addresses used for sending messages. The ISP will send to this mailbox, in a similar way as what is done for bounce messages, those messages that are reported by recipients as spam. The platform should be configured to block future deliveries to users who have complained. It is important to no longer contact them even if they did not use the proper opt-out link. It is based on these complaints that an ISP will add an IP address to its denylist. Depending on the ISP, a complaint rate of around 1% will result in blocking an IP address.

A standard is currently being drawn up to define the format of feedback loop messages: the Abuse Feedback Reporting Format (ARF).

Implementing a feedback loop for an instance requires:

  • A mailbox dedicated to the instance, which may be the bounce mailbox
  • IP sending addresses dedicated to the instance

Implementing a simple feedback loop in Adobe Campaign uses the bounce message functionality. The feedback loop mailbox is used as a bounce mailbox and a rule is defined to detect these messages. The email addresses of the recipients who reported the message as spam will be added to the quarantine list.

  • Create or modify a bounce mail rule, Feedback_loop, in Administration > Campaign Management > Non deliverables Management > Mail rule sets with the reason Refused and the type Hard.
  • If a mailbox has been defined specially for the feedback loop, define the parameters to access it by creating a new external Bounce Mails account in Administration > Platform > External accounts.

The mechanism is immediately operational to process complaint notifications. To make sure this rule is working correctly, you can temporarily deactivate the accounts so that they do not collect these messages, then check the contents of the feedback loop mailbox manually. On the server, execute the following commands:

nlserver stop inMail@instance,
nlserver inMail -instance:instance -verbose.

If you are forced to use one single feedback loop address for multiple instances, you must:

  • Replicate the messages received on as many mailboxes as there are instances,

  • Have each mailbox picked up by one single instance,

  • Configure the instances so that they only process the messages that concern them: the instance information is included in the Message-ID header of messages sent by Adobe Campaign and is therefore located also in the feedback loop messages. Simply specify the checkInstanceName parameter in the instance configuration file (by default, the instance is not verified and this may lead certain address to be quarantined incorrectly):

    code language-none
      <inMail checkInstanceName="true"/>

Adobe Campaign’s Deliverability service manages your subscription to feedback loop services for the following ISPs: AOL, BlueTie, Comcast, Cox, EarthLink, FastMail, Gmail, Hotmail, HostedEmail, Libero,, MailTrust, OpenSRS, QQ, RoadRunner, Synacor, Telenor, Terra, UnitedOnline, USA, XS4ALL, Yahoo, Yandex, Zoho.

List-Unsubscribe list-unsubscribe

Adding an SMTP header called List-Unsubscribe is mandatory to ensure optimal deliverability management.

This header can be used as an alternative to the “Report as SPAM” icon. It displays as an “Unsubscribe” link in the ISPs’ email interfaces.

Using this functionality lowers complaint rates and helps to protect your reputation. Feedback will be executed as an unsubscribe.

Gmail,, Yahoo! and Microsoft Outlook support this method. An “Unsubscribe” link is available directly in their interface. For example:


The “Unsubscribe” link may not always be displayed. Indeed, it can depend on each ISP’s specific criteria and policy. Therefore, make sure your messages are sent by a sender:
  • With good reputation
  • Under the ISPs’ spam complaint threshold
  • Fully authenticated

Two versions of the List-Unsubscribe header functionality exist:

  • “mailto” List-Unsubscribe - With this method, clicking the  Unsubscribe  link sends a pre-filled email to the unsubscribe address specified in the email header. Learn more
  • “One-Click” List-Unsubscribe - With this method, clicking the  Unsubscribe  link directly unsubscribes the user. Learn more
Starting on June 1, 2024, Yahoo! and Gmail will both be requiring senders to comply with One-Click List-Unsubscribe. Learn more on this change
Learn how to configure One-Click List-Unsubscribe in this section.

“mailto” List-Unsubscribe mailto-list-unsubscribe

With this method, clicking the  Unsubscribe  link sends a pre-filled email to the unsubscribe address specified in the email header.

To use “mailto” List-Unsubscribe, you must enter a command line where you specify an email address, such as: List-Unsubscribe: <>

The example above is based on the recipient table. If database implementation is done from another table, make sure to reword the command line with the correct information.

You can also create a dynamic “mailto” List-Unsubscribe using a command line such as: List-Unsubscribe: <mailto:<%=errorAddress%>?subject=unsubscribe%=message.mimeMessageId%>

To implement “mailto” List-Unsubscribe in Campaign, you can either:

  • Directly add the command line in the delivery or delivery template - Learn how

  • Create a typology rule - Learn how

Adding a command line in a delivery or template adding-a-command-line-in-a-delivery-template

The command line must be added into the Additional SMTP headers section of the email’s SMTP header.

This addition can be done in each email, or in existing delivery templates. You can also create a new delivery template that includes this functionality.

For example, enter the following script into the Additional SMTP headers field: List-Unsubscribe: Clicking the  unsubscribe  link sends an email to the address.

You can also use a dynamic address. For example, to send an email to the error address defined for the platform, you can use the following script: List-Unsubscribe: <mailto:<%=errorAddress%>?subject=unsubscribe%=message.mimeMessageId%>


Creating a typology rule creating-a-typology-rule

The rule must contain the script that generates the command line and it must be included in the email header.

Learn how to create typology rules in Adobe Campaign v7/v8 in this section.

We recommend creating a typology rule: the List-Unsubscribe functionality will be automatically added in each email using this typolgy rule.

One-Click List-Unsubscribe one-click-list-unsubscribe

With this method, clicking the  Unsubscribe  link directly unsubscribes the user, requiring only a single action to unsubscribe.

Starting on June 1, 2024, Yahoo! and Gmail will be requiring senders to comply with One-Click List-Unsubscribe. Learn more on this change

To comply with this requirement, senders must:

  • Add the following command line: List-Unsubscribe-Post: List-Unsubscribe=One-Click.
  • Include a URI unsubscribe link.
  • Support reception of the HTTP POST response from the receiver, which Adobe Campaign supports. You can also use an external service.

To support the One-Click List-Unsubscribe PSOT response directly in Adobe Campaign v7/v8, you must add in the “Unsubscribe recipients no-click” web application. To do so:

  1. Go to Resources > Online > Web applications.

  2. Upload the “Unsubscribe recipients no-click” XML file.

To configure One-Click List-Unsubscribe in Campaign, you can either:

  • Add the command line in the delivery or delivery template - Learn how
  • Create a typology rule - Learn how

Configuring One-Click List-Unsubscribe in the delivery or template one-click-delivery-template

To configure One-Click List-Unsubscribe in the delivery or delivery template, follow the steps below.

  1. Go to the SMTP section of the delivery properties.

  2. Under Additional SMTP Headers, enter the command lines such as in the example below. Each header should be on a separate line.

For example:

List-Unsubscribe-Post: List-Unsubscribe=One-Click
List-Unsubscribe: <<%= recipient.cryptedId %> >, < mailto:<%@ include option='NmsEmail_DefaultErrorAddr' %>?subject=unsubscribe<%=escape(message.mimeMessageId) %> >


The above example will enable One-Click List-Unsubscribe for ISPs who support One-Click, while ensuring that receivers who do not support “mailto” can still request unsubscribe via email.

Creating a typology rule to support One-Click List-Unsubscribe one-click-typology-rule

To configure One-Click List-Unsubscribe using a typology rule, follow the steps below.

  1. From the navigation tree, go to Typolgy rules and click New.


  2. Configure the new typology rule such as:

    • Rule type: Control
    • Phase: At the start of targeting
    • Channel: Email
    • Level: your choice
    • Active


  3. Code the javascript of the typology rule as in the example below.

    note note
    The code described below is to be referenced as an example only.

    This example details how to:

    • Configure a “mailto” List-Unsubscribe. It will add the headers or append the existing “mailto:” parameters and replace them with: <mailto…>, https://….
    • Add in the One-Click List-Unsubscribe header. It uses var headerUnsubUrl = "<%= recipient.cryptedId %>"÷
    note note
    You can add other parameters (such as &service =…).
    code language-none
    // Function to add or replace a header in the provided headers
    function addHeader(headers, header, value)  {
      // Create the new header line
      var headerLine = header + ": " + value;
      // Create a regular expression to find the specified header
      var regExp = new RegExp(header + ":(.*)$", "i")
      // Split the headers into individual lines
      var headerLines = headers.split("\n");
      // Loop through each line
      for (var i=0; i < headerLines.length; i++) {
        // Check if the specified header exists
        var match = headerLines[i].match(regExp)
        // If it exists
        if ( match != null ) {
          // Replace the existing header line
          headerLines[i] = headerLine;
          // Return the modified headers
          return headerLines.join("\n");
      // If the header does not exist, add the new header line
      // Return the modified headers
      return headerLines.join("\n");
    // Function to get the value of a specified header from the provided headers
    function getHeader(headers, header) {
      // Create a regular expression to find the specified header
      var regExp = new RegExp(header + ":(.*)$", "i")
      // Split the headers into individual lines
      var headerLines = headers.split("\n");
      // Loop each line
      for each (line in headerLines) {
        // Check if the specified header exists
        var match = line.match(regExp);
        // If it exists
        if ( match != null ) {
          // Return the header value, removing leading whitespace
          return match[1].replace(/^\s*/, "");
      // If the header does not exist, return an empty string
      return "";
    // Define the unsubscribe URL
    var headerUnsubUrl = "<%= recipient.cryptedId %>";
    // Get the value of the List-Unsubscribe header
    var headerUnsub = getHeader(delivery.mailParameters.headers, "List-Unsubscribe");
    // If the List-Unsubscribe header does not exist
    if ( headerUnsub === "" ) {
      // Add the List-Unsubscribe header
      delivery.mailParameters.headers = addHeader(delivery.mailParameters.headers, "List-Unsubscribe", "<"+headerUnsubUrl+">");
    // If the List-Unsubscribe header exists and contains 'mailto'
    else if('mailto')){
      // Replace the existing List-Unsubscribe header
      delivery.mailParameters.headers = addHeader(delivery.mailParameters.headers, "List-Unsubscribe", "<"+headerUnsubUrl+">");
    // Get the value of the List-Unsubscribe-Post header
    var headerUnsubPost = getHeader(delivery.mailParameters.headers, "List-Unsubscribe-Post");
    // If the List-Unsubscribe-Post header does not exist
    if ( headerUnsubPost === "" ) {
      // Add the List-Unsubscribe-Post header
      delivery.mailParameters.headers = addHeader(delivery.mailParameters.headers, "List-Unsubscribe-Post", "List-Unsubscribe=One-Click");
    // Return true to indicate success
    return true;


  4. Add your new rule to a typology applying to emails.

    note note
    You can add it to the default typology.


  5. Prepare a new delivery.

    note caution
    Verify that the Additional SMTP headers field in the delivery properties is empty.


  6. Check during delivery preparation that your new typology rule is applied.


  7. Validate that the Unsubscribe link is present.


Email optimization email-optimization

SMTP smtp

SMTP (Simple mail transfer protocol) is an Internet standard for email transmission.

The SMTP errors that aren’t checked by a rule are listed in the Administration > Campaign Management > Non deliverables Management > Delivery log qualification folder. These error messages are by default interpreted as unreachable soft errors.

The most common errors must be identified and a corresponding rule added in Administration > Campaign Management > Non deliverables Management > Mail rule sets if you wish to correctly qualify the feedback from the SMTP servers. Without this, the platform will perform unnecessary retries (case of unknown users) or wrongly place certain recipients in quarantine after a given number of tests.

Dedicated IPs dedicated-ips

Adobe provides a dedicated IP strategy for each customer with a ramp-up IP in order to build a reputation and optimize delivery performance.
