Building a custom workflow

Learn how to tailor and automate document workflows to get electronic signatures, collect form data, and confirm delivery of an important document to streamline workflow management.

Use Cases
Group administrators can assign workflows to any group that they administer (not only their primary group). Group administrators can also edit any workflow assigned to any group they administer.
Let’s start by showing a workflow that has already been created, and then we’ll walk you through the steps of setting one up. Logged into the in-home page, here we’ll be able to see that in the Workflow section, we have an existing workflow that is ready for us to use. We’ll select the NDA workflow and then select Start. From here, we’ll be taken to the Send page, where we’ll notice some of the details have already been predefined for us. We’ll see the instructions at the top, letting us know to complete the required fields before sending, and then finally down below, we’ll see that the consultant is a required field, but not yet there. We’ll go ahead and identify our signer, and then down below, we’ll notice that the counter signer, legal, their email address has already been predefined.
Lastly, we’ll see that the document name, message, and file has already been predefined as well. The last thing we need to do is enter in the company, and then finally the full name of our signer. And then as we proceed to the Preview and Add Signature field section, we’ll notice that that data gets merged directly to the form fields of the document template. And just like that, we were able to send the NDA out using a predefined workflow, reducing the clicks for the sender. We’re now going to look at setting a workflow up. We’ll now go to the Account tab, where we’ll be able to select workflows. This does require you to be an account or group admin. Here, we’ll see the NDA workflow that we just sent out for signature. Clicking on that, we’ll be able to select Open, which will reveal behind the scenes what it looks like to set this workflow up. Arriving to the Workflow Editor section, we’ll see that we have six components available to us for editing this workflow. We’ll start from the Workflow Information section here, where we’ll be able to see the workflow name, as well as the instructions available for the sender. The Agreement Information section allows us to name the agreement, as well as enter in a personalized message for our workflow participants. We even have the option to add a carbon-copied recipient, as well as additional send options, such as setting a password to open the downloaded PDF, or allowing authoring of documents prior to sending, should we need to drag and drop form fields before sending out to the identified signers. And then onto the recipient section, where we can see the recipient routing has been defined. We’ll see here the consultant doesn’t have an email address that’s been defined, leaving it up to the sender to define who that participant is. Whereas the legal participant, we can see an email has been defined, because this is a known counter-signer for this workflow, reducing the steps that the sender has to take to initiate this process. Onto the email section, we’ll see that each workflow participant has different notifications that can be turned on or off for them. The sender has all notifications turned on, where we can see the recipients and the carbon-copied recipients have some turned off, as well as others that have been turned on, such as the agreement is signed. And then finally, we also have the ability to send notifications, should there be a delegator involved in this workflow.
In the document section, we have the document title, as well as the actual document that’s been attached from the template library. And then finally, we have the sender input fields. This is where we can ask our sender to input required data that will be merged to the document.
This video is part of the course Getting started with Acrobat Sign for administrators that is available for free on Experience League!