Sign with a stamp

Learn how to use stamps to mark a document approved or completed.

Hi, I’m Serge St Felix, and today I’ll show you how you can stamp an agreement within Acrobat Sign. So let’s get started.
So here I have a very simple agreement which needs a signature as well as a stamp of approval. So what we’ll do today, is we’ll bring this agreement into Acrobat Sign and make sure we have the right participants, as well as the fields necessary to execute this agreement.
So here I am in Acrobat Sign and first off I have my recipients.
One will just sign but then the second recipient will only stamp. And so what I’ll do here is, I’ll change the second recipient to be an approver, so all they have to do is just stamp the agreement.
I have my message as well as my agreement already placed. So I’ll go ahead and click next. And what Acrobat Sign will do, is it’ll prepare the agreement, and this will give me the assurance that I have all of my signature fields and my stamp fields in place. This is something I did ahead of time, which is why you’re seeing the signature fields and the stamp fields in the agreement. However, if I didn’t have these fields already in place, I can simply drag and drop from my right hand side, under signature fields, the necessary fields that are needed for this particular agreement.
Looks like I’m ready to go. So I’ll go ahead and click on sign and then send. And this will bring me, as the first participant, where I just need to sign the agreement. So I’ll go ahead and click on start. I’ll click on the signature field. Here I have my name. I’ll click apply, and now I’ll hit click to send.
Now this agreement will go to the second participant, where all they need to do is stamp. So we’ll go over to our mobile device here and I will check my email and here we have the agreement.
So I’ll click on review and approve, and this will bring up the agreement within a web browser.
I’ll go ahead and click on continue and I’ll scroll down to where I need to upload a stamp.
I’ll select the stamp from my photo library.
That’s what I want to use. And then I’ll enter in the second participant’s name and click apply. Then I’ll click finish and then approve.
And that’s all there is to it.
Hope this video was helpful. Thanks for watching. -