Asset Sourcing overview

Asset Sourcing allows the Experience Manager Assets users (administrators/non-admin users) to create new folders with an additional Asset Contribution property, ensuring the new folder created open to asset submission by the Brand Portal users. This automatically triggers a workflow which creates two additional sub folders, called SHARED and NEW, within the newly created Contribution folder. The administrator then defines the requirement by uploading a brief about the types of assets that should be added to the contribution folder, as well as a set of baseline assets, to the SHARED folder to ensure BP users have the reference information they need. The administrator can then grant active Brand Portal users access to the contribution folder before publishing the newly created Contribution folder to Brand Portal. Once the user is finished adding content in the NEW folder, they can publish the contribution folder back to the Experience Manager author environment. Please note that it may take a few minutes to complete the import and reflect the newly published content within Experience Manager Assets.

Additionally, all existing functionality remains unchanged. Brand Portal users can view, search, and download assets from the contribution folder as well as from the other permitted folders. And administrators can further share the contribution folder, modify properties and add assets to collections.

Brand Portal Asset Sourcing


The Asset Sourcing feature is by default enabled on Experience Manager Assets as a Cloud Service, Experience Manager Assets 6.5.9 and above.
The existing configurations will continue to work on the earlier versions.
There is a known issue in Experience Manager Assets 6.5.4. Brand Portal users are not be able to publish contribution folder’s assets to Experience Manager Assets on upgrading to Adobe Developer Console.
The issue is fixed in Experience Manager Assets 6.5.5. You can upgrade your Experience Manager Assets instance to the latest service pack and upgrade your configurations on Adobe Developer Console.

Upload Brand Portal users list

Experience Manager Assets administrators can upload the Brand Portal user configuration (.csv) file containing the active Brand Portal user list in Experience Manager Assets to allow them access to the Asset Sourcing feature.

A contribution folder can only be shared with the active Brand Portal users defined in the user list. The administrator can also add new users in the configuration file and upload the modified user list.

Ensure that your Experience Manager Assets instance is configured with Brand Portal. See, Configure Experience Manager Assets with Brand Portal.
The format of the CSV file is same as supported in Admin Console for bulk user import. Email, first name, and last name are mandatory.

The administrators can add new users in Admin Console, see Manage Users for detailed information. After adding users in Admin Console, these users can be added to the Brand Portal user configuration file and then assigned permission to access the contribution folder.

To upload Brand Portal users list:

  1. Log in to your Experience Manager Assets instance.

  2. From the Tools panel, navigate to Assets > Brand Portal Users.

  3. Brand Portal Upload Contributors window opens.
    Browse from your local machine and upload configuration (.csv) file containing the active Brand Portal users list.

  4. Click Save.

Administrators can provide access to specific users from this user list while configuring a contribution folder. Only the users that are assigned to a contribution folder will have access to the contribution folder and publish assets from Brand Portal to Experience Manager Assets.

See also
