ContextHub contexthub
ContextHub is a framework for storing, manipulating, and presenting context data. Its primary feature is offering the ability to view context data while simulating and switching between various personas.
The ContextHub allowing you to:
- Present, view, switch personas, and simulate user experience while authoring pages using context data.
- Persist context data on your website as a data layer representation.
- Manage segments for the selected context.
The client-side JavaScript API enables you to access the data for personalizing content.
Presentation presentation
The ContextHub toolbar enables marketers and authors to see and manipulate store data for simulating the user experience when authoring pages. The toolbar consists of groups of UI modules that provide access to ContextHub stores, which persist ContextHub data on the client.
Each ContextHub UI module is an instance of a predefined module type:
- ContextHub provides several sample module types.
- Use AEM consoles to add UI modules, and to group them in UI modes.
- Developers can create custom module types.
Developers need to add the ContextHub component to the page.
Persistence persistence
ContextHub stores persist context data on the client. The ContextHub JavaScript API enables you to access stores to create, update, and delete data as necessary. As such, ContextHub represents a data layer on your pages.
Each ContextHub store is an instance of a predefined store type:
- ContextHub provides several sample store types.
- Use AEM consoles to create stores.
- Developers can create custom store types.
- Developers can access store data by way of JavaScript.
Segmentation segmentation
ContextHub includes a segmentation engine that manages segments and determines which segments are resolved for the current context. Several segments are defined. You can use the JavaScript API to determine resolved segments.