Quick Search Component

The Quick Search Component provides search capabilities to a website and presents search results so that visitors can easily find matching content and view results.


The Quick Search component offers site visitors the ability to search for content, view the results in-place, and easily navigate to the matching pages. New results are fetched dynamically as the user scrolls the search results.

The edit dialog allows the content author to define where in the content tree the search should start. Using the design dialog, the template author can set the default value for where in the content tree the search should begin as well as a maximum result set size and minimum search term length.

Version and Compatibility

The current version of the Quick Search Component is v2, which was introduced with release 2.18.0 of the Core Components in January 2018, and is described in this document.

The following table details all supported versions of the component, the AEM versions with which the versions of the component is compatible, and links to documentation for previous versions.

Component Version
AEM 6.4
AEM 6.5
AEM as a Cloud Service
Compatible with
release 2.17.4 and prior

For more information about Core Component versions and releases, see the document Core Components Versions.

Technical Details

Protecting the Search Component or any AEM based application against DOS attacks should be implemented at a higher level, for example by using mod_security on the dispatcher.

The latest technical documentation about the Quick Search Component can be found on GitHub.

Further details about developing Core Components can be found in the Core Components developer documentation.

Edit Dialog

The edit dialog allows the content author to define where in the content tree the search should start.

Quick Search Component's edit dialog

Search Root - The root page from where to start the search. The Search Root can be a blueprint master, language master or regular page.

  • ID - This option allows control of the unique identifier of the component in the HTML and in the Data Layer.

    • If left blank, a unique ID is automatically generated for you and can be found by inspecting the resulting page.
    • If an ID is specified, it is the responsibility of the author to make sure that it is unique.
    • Changing the ID can have an impact on CSS, JS and Data Layer tracking.
If the Search Root is not configured or can not be resolved, the Quick Search defaults to searching beneath the current page.

Design Dialog

Using the design dialog, the template author can set the default value for where in the content tree the search should begin as well as a maximum result set size and minimum search term length.The design dialog allows the template author to define which text formatting options are available to the content authors.

Properties Tab

Quick Search Component's design dialog

  • Search Root
    The default value of search root when a content author places the Quick Search Component on a content page
  • Results Size
    The maximum number of results fetched by a search request
  • Search Term Minimum Length
    Minimum length of the search term to start the search
Results Size and Search Term Minimum Length can only be set in design mode and therefore only at the template level, meaning content authors are not able to modify these values.
Results Size and Search Term Minimum Length can have performance impacts if they are set too high or too low, respectively.

Styles Tab

The Quick Search Component supports the AEM Style System.
