AEM Modernization Tools

Learn how AEM Modernization Tools are used to upgrade an existing AEM Sites content to be AEM as a Cloud Service compatible and align with best practices.

All-in-One Converter

Page conversion

Component conversion

Policy import

Using AEM Modernization Tools

AEM Modernization Tools lifecycle

AEM Modernization tools automatically convert existing AEM Pages composed of legacy static templates, foundation components, and the parsys - to use modern approaches such as editable templates, AEM Core WCM Components, and Layout Containers.

Key activities

  • Clone AEM 6.x production to run AEM Modernization tools against

  • Download and install the latest AEM Modernizations tools on the AEM 6.x production clone via Package Manager

  • Page Structure Converter updates existing page content from static template to a mapped editable template using layout containers

    • Define conversion rules using OSGi configuration
    • Run Page Structure Converter against existing pages
  • Component Converter updates existing page content from static template to a mapped editable template using layout containers

    • Define conversion rules via JCR node definitions/XML
    • Run the Component Converter tool against existing pages
  • Policy Importer creates policies from Design configuration

    • Define conversion rules using JCR node definitions/XML
    • Run Policy Importer against existing Design definitions
    • Apply imported policies to AEM components and containers

Hands-on exercise

Apply your knowledge by trying out what you learned with this hands-on exercise.

Prior to trying the hands-on exercise, make sure you’ve watched and understand the video above, and following materials:

Also, make sure you have completed the previous hands-on exercise:

Hands-on exercise GitHub repository

Hands-on with AEM modernization

Explore using AEM Modernization Tools to update a legacy WKND site to conform with AEM as a Cloud Service best practices.

Try out the AEM Modernization Tools

Other resources

  1. Deploy the newly modernized wknd-legacy site on the local AEM SDK. AEM ASK available for download here: