Creating and Managing Displays

A display is a virtual grouping of screens that are usually positioned next to each other. The display is usually permanent in respect to an installation. This will be the object content authors will work with and always reference to as logical display rather than their physical counter part(s).

Once you create a location, you have to create a new display for your location.

This page shows creating and managing displays for Screens.


Creating a New Display

You need to create a location before creating a display. To see how to create a location, see Create and Manage Locations for more information.

To create a new display in your location, follow the steps below:

  1. Navigate to the appropriate location, for example http://localhost:4502/screens.html/content/screens/TestProject.

  2. Select your location folder and tap/click Create next to the plus icon in the action bar. A wizard will open.

  3. Select Display from the Create wizard and click Next.

  4. Enter Name and Title for your display location.

  5. Under the Display tab, choose the details of the Layout. Choose the desired Resolution (example as, as Full HD). Furthermore, you can choose the number of devices horizontally and vertically.

  6. Click Create.

The display (StoreDisplay) is created and added to the location (SanJose).


Once you have display in position, the next step will be to create a device config for that particular display. Follow the section below to create a new device config.

The Next Step:
Once you create a display for your location, you need to assign a channel to your display to leverage the content.
See Assign Channels section to learn how to assign a channel to the display.

Creating a New Device Config

A device config acts as a placeholder for an actual digital signage device that is not yet installed.

Follow the steps below to create a new device config:

  1. Navigate to the appropriate display, for example, http://localhost:4502/screens.html/content/screens/TestProject/locations/newlocation.

  2. Select your display folder and tap/click View Dashboard in the action bar.

  3. Tap/click the + Add Device Config on the top right of the Devices panel.

  4. Select the Device Config as the required template as and tap/click Next.

  5. Enter the properties as required and tap/click Create.

The device config is created and added to the current display (in the following demonstration, the new device config is DeviceConfig).


Once a device config is set to your display in the location, the next step will be to assign a channel to your display.

Once a device config is set to your display in the location, the next step will be to assign a channel to your display.
As shown in the figure below, if the device config is displayed as unassigned in the DEVICES pannel, if no channel is assigned to that particular device config.
You should have prior understanding of creating and managing channels. See Create and Manage Channels for more details.


Display Dashboard

The display dashboard provides you with different panels for managing display devices and device configurations for your device.


You can select the dashboard lists and trigger bulk actions on items, instead of going through each item individually.
For example, the following image shows how you can select multiple channels from the display dashboard.


Display Information Panel

The DISPLAY INFORMATION Panel provides the display properties.

Click on the () in the top right corner in the DISPLAY INFORMATION panel to view the properties and preview the display.

Viewing Properties

Click Properties to view or change the properties of your display.

Additionally, you can adjust the event timer value for your interactive channel in Idle timeout property under Display tab. The default value is set to 300 seconds.

Use CRXDE Lite, to access the idleTimeout property, that is, http://localhost:4502/crx/de/index.jsp#/content/screens/we-retail/locations/demo/flagship/single/jcr%3Acontent/channels .

Assigned Channels Panel

The ASSIGNED CHANNELS panel displays the assigned channels to this device.

Devices Panel

The DEVICES Panel provides information on the device configs.

Click on the () in the top right corner in the DEVICES panel to add device configs and update devices.

Additionally, click on the device config to view properties, assign a device, or delete it completely.


The Next Steps

Once you complete creating a display for your location, you need to assign a channel for your display.

See Assign Channels for more details.
