Attribute-based access control overview attribute-based-access-control-overview

Attribute-based access control is a capability of Adobe Experience Platform that enables administrators to control access to specific objects and/or capabilities based on attributes. Attributes can be metadata added to an object, such as a label added to a schema field or segment. An administrator defines access policies that include attributes to manage user access permissions.

This functionality allows you to label Experience Data Model (XDM) schema fields with labels that define organizational or data usage scopes. In parallel, administrators can use the user and role administration interface to define access policies surrounding XDM schema fields and better manage the access given to users or groups of users (internal, external, or third-party users). Additionally, attribute-based access control allows administrators to manage access to specific segments.

Attribute-based access control is not to be confused with Experience Platform’s data governance capabilities, which allow you to use labels and policies to control how data is used in Platform rather than which users in your organization have access to it. See the data governance overview for more information.

Through attribute-based access control, administrators of your organization can control users’ access to sensitive personal data (SPD), personally identifiable information (PII) and customized type of data across all Platform workflows and resources. Administrators can define user roles that have access only to specific fields and data that correspond to those fields.

The following video is intended to support your understanding of attribute-based access control, and outlines how to configure roles, resources, and policies.

Hi, in this video, I’m going to show you how to use attribute-based access control, an Experience Platform feature that allows privacy-conscious brands greater flexibility to manage user access. Individual objects, such as schema fields and segments can be assigned to user roles. Let’s start in the interface, and do a quick review of the key components of access control. System and product administrators have access to permissions, available in the left navigation of platform-based applications, or configurable as a quick access link on the Experience Cloud homepage.
When I go to permissions, I’m taken to the roles screen. Attribute-based access control exists within the larger concept of role-based access control. A role allows you to give access to various platform features to multiple users. Let’s look at a role. Users assigned to this role have access to features needed to manage Journeys. Additional permissions can be added by dragging and dropping resources from the left navigation, and then adding options from the dropdown. And then I can assign individual users in groups to this role to give them access to these features. These users must already be included in your organization. If not, you’ll first need to add them in the admin console, and assign them to at least one product profile before you can add them to a role. You can also assign API credentials, which were created in the developer console, to a role. Now let’s talk about labels, and really get into attribute-based access control. Let’s imagine we’re a healthcare company whose marketing group works with external agencies, and we have a basic requirement. Our internal marketing team can see and use personal health information or regulated health data in our marketing campaigns. Our agency, however, shouldn’t be able to see or use this type of data. So here’s where we get started with the labels feature within roles. To make attribute-based access control work, there are three components which need to be configured. I need to label my roles, label my resources, like schema fields and segments, and finally build a policy that links those labels together. Let’s get started. I’ll open my internal team role, and go to the labels tab, and select add labels. This will list all of the labels in my organization. I can also add new ones. If you’ve used the platform’s governance framework, this list will look familiar. I’ll scroll down to the PHI regulated health data label, and save that to my role. The next step is to add the same label to the resources I want to restrict. Let’s start with schema fields. I’ll open my healthcare schema. And at the top, I’ll select a labels tab. I can assign a label to one or multiple fields at once. I’ll select these blood glucose and insulin level fields, and assign the regulated health data label. Note that the label gets added at the field group level, and will impact all other schemas using this field group.
Next, I’ll add the label to a segment. I have these two segments based on those schema fields I just labeled. For this demo, I’ll label just one of the segments, blood glucose is greater than 100. I’ll open the segment and click manage access. And then I add the label just like before. There’s also a managed access button in the segment editor. Now let’s create a policy to link the labels in the attributes to the labels in my role. I go back to permissions, and select policies, and I’ll create a new policy.
Note that if I click this arrow, it flips the logic from deny to permit, but I want to stick with deny. I select my resource, and restrict access to all. Now for my attribute, since the RHD label was provided out of the box by Adobe, it’s considered a core label, and I’ll choose core label for my resource. Note that I don’t select individual labels that were on the list.
So what this means is if the user in the schema field don’t have matching labels, don’t let them access the schema field in all of my sandboxes.
And to include my segments in this policy, I can add another resource.
I’ll save it, and then activate my policy. So what did this do? I’ll now log in as a user assigned to the agency role, which has the exact same feature permissions, but no labels.
I’m not able to see that these fields exist in this schema. If I look up a profile, I won’t see these fields or their values. If I preview a data set, I won’t see these fields or values. And if I attempt to build a new segment, I won’t be able to use these fields in my segment definition.
And in my segments, the one that I labeled is not visible to this user, but the one that I didn’t label is visible, even though it uses a field that was labeled with regulated health data. So in a use case like this, be sure to label both the schema field and any segments that use it. As you can see, the system is very flexible, and can be used to address other use cases too. For example, you might have different brands or teams working in the same production sandbox who need to keep resources separate. So best of luck, and enjoy the feature. -

Attribute-based access control terminology

Attribute-based access control involves the following components:

Attributes are the identifiers that indicate the correlation between a user and the Platform resources that they have access to. Attributes can be metadata added to an object, such as a label added to a schema field or segment. An administrator defines access policies that include attributes to manage user access permissions.
Labels allow you to categorize datasets and fields according to usage policies that apply to that data. Labels can be applied at any time, providing flexibility in how you choose to govern data. Best practices encourage labeling data as soon as it is ingested into Platform, or as soon as data becomes available for use in Platform.
Permissions include the ability to view and/or use Platform features, such as creating sandboxes, defining schemas, and managing datasets.
Permission sets
Permission sets represent a group of permissions that an administrator can apply to a role. An administrator can assign permission sets to a role, instead of assigning individual permissions. This allows you to create custom roles from a pre-defined role that contains a group of permissions.
Policies are statements that bring attributes together to establish permissible and impermissible actions. Policies can either be local or global, and can override other policies.
A resource is the asset or object that a subject can or cannot access. Resources can be segments or schema fields.
Roles are ways to categorize the types of users that are interacting with your Platform instance and are building blocks of access control policies. In a role-based access control environment, user access provisioning is group through common responsibilities and needs. A role has a given set of permissions and members of your organization can be assigned to one or more roles, depending on the scope of view or write access they need.
A subject is the user requesting access to a resource to perform an action.
User groups
User groups are multiple users that have been grouped together and have the access to execute the same functions.


Once your organization is enabled for attribute-based access control, you can start using Permissions on Adobe Experience Cloud, instead of Roles in the Adobe Admin Console, to manage permissions for users, functionality, labels, and other resources in your organization.

Permissions is the area of Experience Cloud where administrators can define user roles and access policies to manage access permissions for features and objects within a product application.

Through Permissions, you can create and manage roles, as well as assign the desired resource permissions for these roles. Permissions also allow you to manage the labels, sandboxes, and users associated with a specific role. For more information, see the Permissions guide.

Attribute-based access control API

The attribute-based access control API allows you to programmatically manage roles, policies, and products within Platform using APIs. For more information see the guide on using the API to manage attribute-based access control configurations.

Attribute-based access control in Adobe Experience Platform

The following sections provide information on how attribute-based access control is integrated to other components of Platform:

Access control

Platform leverages Adobe Admin Console roles to link users with permissions and sandboxes. Permissions control access to a variety of Platform capabilities, including data modeling, profile management, and sandbox administration. Once your organization is enabled for attribute-based access control, you can start using Permissions on Adobe Experience Cloud, instead of Roles in the Adobe Admin Console, to manage permissions for users, functionality, labels, and other resources in your organization.

There is limited availability to attribute-based access control for customers who purchase Healthcare and/or Privacy Shields. The features of this functionality include:

  • Permissions interface: Provides an interface for you to define user roles, permissions and policies for attribute-based access control.

  • Labeling: Add, edit, remove labels to user roles, schema fields, segments, and other supported objects in order to leverage access control policies.

The administration workflows for all Experience Platform-powered applications from Admin Console to the new Permissions interface are being switched.

Your roles are automatically migrated to the Permissions interface when your organization is enabled. The roles in Admin Console will remain as is for the time being. Please do not modify your roles after your organization has been enabled.

For more information on access control, see the access control overview.

Destinations destinations

Destinations are pre-built integrations with destination platforms that allow for the seamless activation of data from Platform. You can use destinations to activate your known and unknown data for cross-channel marketing campaigns, email campaigns, targeted advertising, and many other use cases.

As an administrator, you can use attribute-based access control functionalities to:

  • Configure user access to view specific segments in the activation process, based on role, permissions, and labels;
    • In the activation process, users may be required to select segments they want to activate to a destination. As an administrator, you can provision users in your organization to only see segments that are labelled with labels that users have access to, and segments that do not contain any labels.
  • Configure user access to view specific fields in the activation process, based on role, permissions, and labels;
    • In the activation process, users may be required to select fields they want to activate to a destination. As an administrator, you can provision users in your organization to only see fields that are labelled with labels that users have access to, and fields that do not contain any labels.
In summary, keep in mind the following implications when working with destinations and attribute-based access control:
  • You can only activate segments that you have permission to access and view in the segment browse view and select segment step of the activation workflow.
  • In the mapping step of the activation workflow, you can only view and select for activation the fields that you have access permission to.
  • When you are looking to activate additional segments to an existing destination where you do not have access to all the fields that are mapped for export, the activation workflow will be blocked for you.

For more information on Destinations, refer to the Destinations overview.

Identity Service

Adobe Experience Platform Identity Service helps you gain a better view of your customer and their behavior by bridging identities across devices and systems, allowing you to deliver impactful, personal digital experiences in real time.

As part of attribute-based access control, the view-identity-graph permission allows you to determine which users in your organization can access the identity graph through the user interface or APIs. For more information, see the guide on using the identity graph viewer.

For more information on Identity Service, refer to the Identity Service overview.

Real-Time Customer Profile

Platform enables you to drive coordinated, consistent, and relevant experiences for your customers no matter where or when they interact with your brand. With Real-Time Customer Profile, you can see a holistic view of each individual customer that combines data from multiple channels, including online, offline, CRM, and third party data. Profile allows you to consolidate your disparate customer data into a unified view offering an actionable, timestamped account of every customer interaction.

As an administrator, you can use attribute-based access control functionalities to:

  • Configure user access to specific profile attributes based on role, permissions, and labels;

    • As an administrator, you can provision users in your organization to only see profile attributes that are labelled with labels that users have access to, and profile attributes that do not contain any label;
    • As an administrator, you can provision users in your organization to only see profile attributes that are labelled with labels that users have access to, when creating segments;
  • Configure user access to data preview by labelling specific data fields used in the data model’s XDM schema.

For more information on Profile, refer to the Profile overview.

Segmentation Service

Segmentation Service defines a particular subset of profiles by describing the criteria that distinguishes a marketable group of people within your customer base. Segments can be based on record data (such as demographic information) or time series events representing customer interactions with your brand.

As an administrator, you can use attribute-based access control functionalities to:

  • Configure user access to view and manage specific segments, based on role, permissions, and labels;
    • As an administrator, you can provision users in your organization to only see segments that are labelled with labels that users have access to, and segments that do not contain any labels, when using the Segmentation UI.

For more information on Segmentation Service, refer to the Segmentation Service overview.


Experience Data Model (XDM) is an open-source specification that is designed to improve the power of digital experiences. It provides common structures and definitions for any application to communicate with services on Platform. By adhering to XDM standards, all customer experience data can be incorporated into a common representation to deliver insights in a faster, more integrated way. You can gain valuable insights from customer actions, define customer audiences through segments, and use customer attributes for personalization purposes.

With attribute-based access control, you can:

  • Apply data usage labels to field groups and classes. This allows multiple schemas with the same field groups or classes, to have fields tagged with the same attributes, depending on the configurations at the field group or class level;
  • Configure user access to specific XDM schema fields depending on the permission sets applied to roles assigned to users.

For more information on XDM, refer to the XDM overview.
