License usage dashboard license-usage-dashboard

You can view important information about your organization’s license usage through the Adobe Experience Platform License usage dashboard. Information displayed here is captured during a daily snapshot of your Platform instance.

License usage reports provide a high degree of granularity over your license usage metrics. The dashboard provides usage metrics for each purchased product, the consolidated usage of metrics in all production or development sandboxes, and the usage metric from a specific sandbox. The following Experience Platform applications can be tracked with usage metrics: Real-Time Customer Data Platform, Adobe Journey Optimizer, and Customer Journey Analytics.

This guide outlines how to access and work with the license usage dashboard in the UI and provides more information regarding the visualizations displayed in the dashboard.

For a general overview of the Platform UI, refer to the Experience Platform UI guide.

License usage dashboard data

The License usage dashboard displays a list of all the Experience Platform products that you have purchased. From this list, you can find a snapshot of your organization’s license-related data for Experience Platform across any associated sandbox.

The data in this dashboard is displayed exactly as it appears at the specific point in time when the snapshot was taken. In other words, the snapshot is not an approximation or sample of the data, and the dashboard is not updating in real time.

Any changes or updates made to the data since the snapshot was taken will not be reflected in the dashboard until the next snapshot is taken.

Exploring the license usage dashboard explore

To navigate to the license usage dashboard within the Platform UI, select License usage in the left rail. The Overview tab opens, displaying a list of available products.

The license usage dashboard is not enabled by default. Users must be granted “View License Usage Dashboard” permission to be able to view the dashboard. For steps on granting access permissions for viewing the license usage dashboard, refer to the dashboard permissions guide.

The License usage dashboard Overview tab, with License usage highlighted in the left navigation sidebar.

Overview tab overview-tab

This dashboard displays all of your licensed Adobe Experience Platform products, including add-ons, in a table format. The table provides key information about your license usage across all your available profiles.

Column name
The Adobe solution licensed by your organization.
Primary Metric
The primary metric used for tracking within for that product.
License Amount
The contracted value for the maximum amount of the Primary Metric as agreed in your product license agreement.
The amount of your primary metric used. This value provides the total usage of that metric across all sandboxes, either production or development.
Usage %
The percentage of your primary metric used according to your license amount.
Additions to the License Amount as a result of add-ons are added on top of the License Amount for the base products such as Real-Time Customer Data Platform, Adobe Journey Optimizer, and Customer Journey Analytics. The usage of that licensed amount (after the add-ons) is tracked through the base products. For example, if you buy one pack of five sandboxes, the quantity of five is added to that of the base product’s. In this case, the add-on shows a License Amount of one, and the usage for that add-on is “blank” as the usage is tracked through the base product.

The table indicates the primary metric for each product, as each product can track numerous metrics.

Summary tab summary-tab

To view more metrics and detailed insights on your product license usage, select a product name from the list. The Summary view for that product appears. All available metrics are displayed on the Summary tab. The metrics available depend on the licensed product. This view provides a consolidated view of all metrics across all production or development sandboxes. The same level of analysis is provided for both production and development sandboxes.

The summary view of a Platform Product that displays all available metrics for that product.

On the summary tab, the table includes the Metric column. These human-readable descriptions indicate all metrics used for that type of sandbox.

Select a sandbox select-sandbox

To change the view between production and development sandbox types, select either Production sandboxes or Development sandboxes. The selected sandbox type is indicated by the radio button next to the sandbox name.

Consumption reporting for sandboxes is cumulative for all sandboxes of the same type. In other words, selecting Production or Development provides consumption reports for all production or development sandboxes, respectively.

The summary view of a Platform Product with Production sandboxes and Development sandboxes highlighted.

Permission to view the license usage dashboard must be specified at a sandbox level. Add permissions to each individual sandbox to view them within the dashboard. This limitation will be addressed in a future release. In the meantime, the following workaround is available:
  1. Create a product profile in the Adobe Admin Console.
  2. Under Permission in the Sandbox category, add all sandboxes you wish to view in the license usage dashboard.
  3. Under User Dashboard Permission category, add “View License Usage Dashboard” permission.

The Details tab details-tab

To see a particular usage metric from a specific sandbox, navigate to the Details tab. The Details tab shows all the available sandboxes within either the Production or Development sandboxes.

The Details tab of the License usage dashboard.

From this view, you can select The inspect icon. next to a sandbox name to view the visualization for that metric. A dialog opens with a visualization for that metric.

Visualizations visualizations

Each visualization widget includes the following aspects:

  • A line graph tracking the metric change over time
  • A key for the line graph
  • The sandbox name
  • A dropdown menu to adjust the time period for the line graph

The line graphs compare usage numbers for your organization to the total available with your organization’s licensing and provide a percentage of total usage.

The visualization of a metric.

The lookback period of analysis can be adjusted from the dropdown menu. The default value of the last 30 days

To select a date range, you can use the date range dropdown to select the time period to display in the dashboard. There are multiple options available, including the default value of the last 30 days.

The visualization dialog with the date range dropdown highlighted.

You can also select Custom date to choose the time period that is shown.

The License usage dashboard Overview tab with the custom date range options highlighted.

Available metrics available-metrics

The license usage dashboard reports on several unique metrics that are applicable to multiple products in the organization. The available metrics are:

Audience Activation Size
The total size of profiles activated to any file-based destination in a year. Note: This does not include profiles sent through streaming destinations.
Addressable Audience
The sum of your business audience entitlement and the consumer audience entitlement. A consumer audience is defined as the number of person profiles identified as a “Consumer Audience” on the sales order. A business audience is defined as the number of business person profiles identified as the “Business Audience” on the sales order.
Adhoc Query Service Users Packs
An add-on to increase your authorized concurrent Query Service Users entitlement by five additional concurrent Query Service users and one additional concurrently running ad hoc query per pack. Multiple additional Ad Hoc Query User packs may be licensed.
Average profile richness
The sum of all production data stored within the Hub Profile Service at any point in time, divided by five times the number of authorized business person profiles. Average profile richness is a shared feature.
CJA Rows Available
The daily average rows of data available for analysis within Customer Journey Analytics.
Computed Attributes
The total count of aggregated profile behavioral data. Aggregated profile behavioral data is based on experience events that are converted into a profile attribute and can be included in a person profile or business person profile.
Consumer Audience
The number of person profiles identified as “Consumer Audience” on the sales order.
Data Export Size
The amount of data sent through dataset activations in a year.
Data Exports
The total size of datasets that can be exported to any non-Adobe solution (directly or indirectly) in a year.
Data Lake Storage
The quantity used of the analytical data store within Adobe Experience Platform.
Engageable Audience
This metric refers to the audience of engageable profiles. An engageable profile is a record of information representing an individual and is represented in the Profile Service. These records are profiles that you have attempted to engage with using Journey Optimizer’s authoring, decisioning, delivery, experimentation, or orchestration capabilities during the past 12 months.
Look-alike Audiences
The count of audiences that are generated by modeling an existing consumer audience to identify person profiles similar to that existing consumer audience.
Number of AMM Models
A count of the machine learning model (built in Adobe Mix Modeler) used to measure and/or predict a specified outcome based on your investments.
Number of Sandboxes
The count of logical separations within your instance of any Adobe On-demand Service that accesses Adobe Experience Platform isolating data and operations.
Profile Richness No of Packs
An increase in your authorized Average Profile Richness by 25 KB per profile for each Additional Profile Richness pack.
Query Service Compute Hours
A measure of the amount of time taken by the Query Service engines to read, process, and write data back into the data lake when a batch query is executed.
Streaming Segmentation No of Packs
The packs update segment membership for a person profile as new data enters the Segmentation Service through a streaming flow. Segment membership is evaluated based on the current person profile attributes and the value of the current event, without taking historical behavior into account. Streaming Segmentation is a shared feature.

The availability of these metrics and the specific definition of each of these metrics varies depending on the licensing that your organization has purchased. For detailed definitions of each metric, refer to the appropriate Product Description documentation:

Product Description
Adobe Experience Platform
Experience Platform, App Services, and Intelligent Services
Adobe Real-Time Customer Data Platform
Adobe Experience Platform Activation
Adobe Experience Platform Intelligence
Adobe Journey Optimizer
The license usage dashboard only reports on the latest license that has been provisioned for your organization. If the latest license provisioned for your organization does not appear in the table above, the license usage dashboard may not display properly. Support for additional licenses and multiple licenses in a single organization is planned for a future release.

Next steps

After reading this document, you are able to locate the license usage dashboard and view usage metrics for each purchased product, for all production or development sandboxes, and for a specific sandbox. You can find more information about available metrics for your organization, based on the licensing your organization has purchased.

To learn more about other features available in the Experience Platform UI, refer to the Platform UI guide.
