Dataset use cases tracking-datasets

In this page, you will find the list of Adobe Journey Optimizer datasets and related use cases:

Email Tracking Experience Event Dataset
Message Feedback Event Dataset
Push Tracking Experience Event Dataset
Journey Step Event
Decisioning Event Dataset
BCC Feedback Event Dataset
Entity Dataset

To view the complete list of fields and attributes for each schema, consult the Journey Optimizer schema dictionary.

Email Tracking Experience Event Dataset email-tracking-experience-event-dataset

Name in the interface : CJM Email Tracking Experience Event Dataset

System dataset for ingesting email tracking experience events from Journey Optimizer.

The related schema is CJM Email Tracking Experience Event Schema.

This query shows the counts of different email interactions (opens, clicks) for a given message:

    _experience.customerJourneyManagement.messageInteraction.interactionType AS interactionType,
    count(1) eventCount
from cjm_email_tracking_experience_event_dataset
     _experience.customerJourneyManagement.messageExecution.messageExecutionID IN ('UMA-30647505')
group by

This query shows the breakdown of counts of different email interactions (opens, clicks) by message for a given journey:

    _experience.customerJourneyManagement.messageExecution.messageExecutionID AS messageExecutionID,
    _experience.customerJourneyManagement.messageInteraction.interactionType AS interactionType,
    count(1) eventCount
from cjm_email_tracking_experience_event_dataset
     _experience.customerJourneyManagement.messageExecution.journeyVersionID IN ('0e86ac62-c315-48cc-ab4f-3f8b741ae667')
group by
order by
limit 100;

Message Feedback Event Dataset message-feedback-event-dataset

Name in the interface: CJM Message Feedback Event Dataset

Dataset for ingesting email and push application feedback events from Journey Optimizer.

The related schema is CJM Message Feedback Event Schema.

This query shows the counts of different email feedback status (sent, bounce, etc) for a given message:

    _experience.customerJourneyManagement.messageDeliveryfeedback.feedbackStatus AS feedbackStatus,
    count(1) eventCount
from cjm_message_feedback_event_dataset
     _experience.customerJourneyManagement.messageExecution.messageExecutionID IN ('UMA-30647505')
group by

This query shows the breakdown of counts of different email feedback status (sent, bounce, etc) by message for a given journey:

    _experience.customerJourneyManagement.messageExecution.messageExecutionID AS messageExecutionID,
    _experience.customerJourneyManagement.messageDeliveryfeedback.feedbackStatus AS feedbackStatus,
    count(1) eventCount
from cjm_message_feedback_event_dataset
     _experience.customerJourneyManagement.messageExecution.journeyVersionID IN ('0e86ac62-c315-48cc-ab4f-3f8b741ae667')
group by
order by
limit 100;

At aggregate level, domain level report (sorted by top domains): Domain Name, Message Sent, Bounces

SELECT split_part(_experience.customerJourneyManagement.emailChannelContext.address, '@', 2) AS recipientDomain, SUM( CASE WHEN _experience.customerJourneyManagement.messageDeliveryfeedback.feedbackStatus = 'sent' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END)AS sentCount , SUM( CASE WHEN _experience.customerJourneyManagement.messageDeliveryfeedback.feedbackStatus = 'bounce' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END )AS bounceCount FROM cjm_message_feedback_event_dataset WHERE = '' GROUP BY recipientDomain ORDER BY sentCount DESC;

Email sends on daily basis:

SELECT date_trunc('day', TIMESTAMP) AS rolluptimestamp, SUM( CASE WHEN _experience.customerjourneymanagement.messagedeliveryfeedback.feedbackstatus = 'sent' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS deliveredcount FROM cjm_message_feedback_event_dataset WHERE = '' GROUP BY date_trunc('day', TIMESTAMP) ORDER BY rolluptimestamp ASC;

Find if a particular email id received an email or not and if not, then what was the error, bounce category, code:

SELECT _experience.customerjourneymanagement.messagedeliveryfeedback.feedbackstatus AS status, _experience.customerjourneymanagement.messagedeliveryfeedback.messagefailure.reason AS failurereason, _experience.customerjourneymanagement.messagedeliveryfeedback.messagefailure.type AS bouncetype FROM cjm_message_feedback_event_dataset WHERE = '' AND _experience.customerjourneymanagement.emailchannelcontext.address = '' AND TIMESTAMP >= now() - INTERVAL '7' DAY ORDER BY status ASC

Find the list of all individual email ids which had a particular error, bounce category or code in the last x hours/days or associated with a particular message delivery:

SELECT _experience.customerjourneymanagement.emailchannelcontext.address AS emailid, _experience.customerjourneymanagement.messagedeliveryfeedback.feedbackstatus AS status, _experience.customerjourneymanagement.messagedeliveryfeedback.messagefailure.reason AS failurereason, _experience.customerjourneymanagement.messagedeliveryfeedback.messagefailure.type AS bouncetype FROM cjm_message_feedback_event_dataset WHERE = '' AND _experience.customerjourneymanagement.messagedeliveryfeedback.feedbackstatus != 'sent' AND TIMESTAMP >= now() - INTERVAL '10' HOUR AND _experience.customerjourneymanagement.messageexecution.messageexecutionid = 'BMA-45237824' ORDER BY emailid

Hard Bounce Rate at aggregate level:

select hardBounceCount, case when sentCount > 0 then(hardBounceCount/sentCount)*100.0 else 0 end as hardBounceRate from ( select SUM( CASE WHEN _experience.customerJourneyManagement.messageDeliveryfeedback.feedbackStatus = 'bounce' AND _experience.customerJourneyManagement.messageDeliveryfeedback.messageFailure.type = 'Hard' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END)AS hardBounceCount , SUM( CASE WHEN _experience.customerJourneyManagement.messageDeliveryfeedback.feedbackStatus = 'sent' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END )AS sentCount from cjm_message_feedback_event_dataset WHERE = '' )

Permanent errors grouped by bounce code:

SELECT _experience.customerjourneymanagement.messagedeliveryfeedback.messagefailure.reason AS failurereason, COUNT(*) AS hardbouncecount FROM cjm_message_feedback_event_dataset WHERE _experience.customerjourneymanagement.messagedeliveryfeedback.feedbackstatus = 'bounce' AND _experience.customerjourneymanagement.messagedeliveryfeedback.messagefailure.type = 'Hard' AND = '' GROUP BY failurereason

Identify quarantined addresses after an ISP outage isp-outage-query

In case of an Internet Service Provider (ISP) outage, you need to idenfity email addresses wrongly maked as bounces (quarantined) for specific domains, during a timeframe. To get those adresses, use the following query:

    _experience.customerJourneyManagement.emailChannelContext.address AS RecipientAddress,
    timestamp AS EventTime,
    _experience.customerJourneyManagement.messageDeliveryfeedback.messageFailure.reason AS "Invalid Recipient"
FROM cjm_message_feedback_event_dataset
    eventtype = '' AND
    DATE(timestamp) BETWEEN '<start-date-time>' AND '<end-date-time>' AND
    _experience.customerjourneymanagement.messagedeliveryfeedback.feedbackstatus = 'bounce' AND
    _experience.customerJourneyManagement.emailChannelContext.address ILIKE ''
ORDER BY timestamp DESC;

where the format of dates is: YYYY-MM-DD HHSS.

Once identified, remove those addresses from Journey Optimizer suppression list. Learn more.

Push Tracking Experience Event Dataset push-tracking-experience-event-dataset

Name in the interface: CJM Push Tracking Experience Event Dataset

Dataset for ingesting mobile tracking experience events for push from Journey Optimizer.

The related schema is CJM Push Tracking Experience Event Schema.

Query example:

select _experience.customerJourneyManagement.pushChannelContext.platform, sum(pushNotificationTracking.customAction.value)  from cjm_push_tracking_experience_event_dataset
group by _experience.customerJourneyManagement.pushChannelContext.platform

select  _experience.customerJourneyManagement.pushChannelContext.platform, SUM (_experience.customerJourneyManagement.messageInteraction.offers.offerCount) from cjm_email_tracking_experience_event_dataset
  group by _experience.customerJourneyManagement.pushChannelContext.platform

Journey Step Event journey-step-event

Internal name: Journey Step Events (system dataset)

Dataset for ingesting step events in the journey.

The related schema is Journey Step Event schema for Journey Orchestration.

This query shows the breakdown of action success counts by action label for a given journey:

    _experience.journeyOrchestration.stepEvents.actionName AS actionLabel,
    count(1) actionSuccessCount
from journey_step_events
     _experience.journeyOrchestration.stepEvents.journeyVersionID IN ('0e86ac62-c315-48cc-ab4f-3f8b741ae667')
     AND _experience.journeyOrchestration.stepEvents.actionID IS NOT NULL
     AND _experience.journeyOrchestration.stepEvents.actionType IS NOT NULL
     AND _experience.journeyOrchestration.stepEvents.actionExecutionErrorCode IS NULL
group by

This query shows the breakdown of step entered counts by nodeId & nodeLabel for a given journey. nodeId is included here as nodeLabel can be the same for different journey nodes.

    _experience.journeyOrchestration.stepEvents.nodeID AS nodeID,
    _experience.journeyOrchestration.stepEvents.nodeName AS nodeLabel,
    count(1) stepEnteredCount
from journey_step_events
     _experience.journeyOrchestration.stepEvents.journeyVersionID IN ('0e86ac62-c315-48cc-ab4f-3f8b741ae667')
     AND _experience.journeyOrchestration.stepEvents.journeyNodeProcessed = TRUE
     AND _experience.journeyOrchestration.stepEvents.eventID IS DISTINCT FROM 'createInstance'
group by

Decisioning Event Dataset ode-decisionevents

Name in the interface: ODE DecisionEvents (system dataset)

Dataset for ingesting offer propositions to the users.

The related schema is ODE DecisionEvents.

This query shows all the offers returned the previous day:

SELECT date_format(Decision.Timestamp, 'MM/dd/yyyy') as Date
,HOUR(Decision.timestamp) as Hour
,COUNT(*)  as Count
FROM ode_decisionevents_b699fa78_efec_41b1_99fa_78efecc1b1ef_decision AS Decision
WHERE date_format(Decision.timestamp, 'MM/dd/yyyy') = date_format(CURRENT_DATE, 'MM/dd/yyyy') and Decision._experience.decisioning.propositionDetails.activity[0].id = 'xcore:offer-activity:13ab41890a335ad6'
GROUP BY date_format(Decision.Timestamp, 'MM/dd/yyyy')

This query shows the number of times offers were proposed over the last 30 days of a particular activity/decision and its associated offer priority.

select,, po._experience.decisioning.ranking.priority, count( as ProposedCount from (
select explode(propositionexplode.selections) AS proposedOffers from
(select explode(_experience.decisioning.propositionDetails) AS propositionexplode,timestamp FROM ode_decisionevents_itca_decisioning_20200925_235340_379  where date_format(timestamp, 'MM/dd/yyyy') >= date_format(DATE_ADD(CURRENT_DATE, -30), 'MM/dd/yyyy') and _experience.decisioning.propositionDetails.activity[0].id = 'xcore:offer-activity:12ae6f35a055c6f0')) a, decision_object_repository_personalized_offers po where LIKE 'xcore:personalized-offer%' and
group by,, po._experience.decisioning.ranking.priority;

BCC Feedback Event Dataset bcc-feedback-event-dataset

Name in the interface: AJO BCC Feedback Event Dataset (system dataset)

Dataset to store information for BCC Messages.

Query for all BCC messages within 2 days (for a particular campaign):

SELECT bcc.*
FROM ajo_bcc_feedback_event_dataset AS bcc
    bcc._experience.customerJourneyManagement.messageExecution.messageExecutionID = '<message-execution-id>' AND
    bcc.timestamp >= now() - INTERVAL '2' day;

Query with feedback dataset to show users who did not receive (all bounces and suppressions) and who have BCC entry for a particular message:

    distinct bcc._experience.customerJourneyManagement.secondaryRecipientDetail.originalRecipientAddress AS OriginalRecipientAddress
FROM ajo_bcc_feedback_event_dataset  AS bcc
    bcc.timestamp > now() - INTERVAL '2' DAY AND     bcc._experience.customerJourneyManagement.messageExecution.messageExecutionID  = '<message-execution-id>' AND      bcc._experience.customerJourneyManagement.secondaryRecipientDetail.originalRecipientAddress != '' AND
            bcc._experience.customerJourneyManagement.secondaryRecipientDetail.originalRecipientAddress NOT IN (
        SELECT distinct mfe._experience.customerJourneyManagement.emailChannelContext.address
        FROM cjm_message_feedback_event_dataset AS mfe
            mfe.timestamp > now() - INTERVAL '2' DAY AND
            mfe._experience.customerJourneyManagement.messageExecution.messageExecutionID  = '<message-execution-id>' AND
            mfe._experience.customerjourneymanagement.messagedeliveryfeedback.feedbackstatus = 'sent'
    OR     bcc._experience.customerJourneyManagement.secondaryRecipientDetail.originalRecipientAddress IN (
        SELECT distinct mfe._experience.customerJourneyManagement.emailChannelContext.address
        FROM cjm_message_feedback_event_dataset AS mfe
        mfe.timestamp > now() - INTERVAL '2' DAY AND
            mfe._experience.customerJourneyManagement.messageExecution.messageExecutionID  = '<message-execution-id>' AND
            mfe._experience.customerJourneyManagement.messageDeliveryfeedback.messageFailure.category = 'async' AND

Entity Dataset entity-dataset

Name in the interface: ajo_entity_dataset (system dataset)

Dataset to store entity metadata for messages sent to the end user.

The related schema is AJO Entity Schema.

This dataset gives you access to marketer defined metadata which allows you to get better reporting insights when Journey Optimizer datasets are exported out for reporting visualization in external tools. This is achieved using the messageID attribute which helps stitch various datasets such as Message Feedback Dataset and Experience Event Tracking Datasets to get details of a message delivery from sending to tracking at a profile level.

Important notes

  • An entry for a message is created only after journey or campaign is published.

  • You may see the entry 30 minutes after the publication of the campaign/journey.

For the time being, there are two entries for each message publication in the entity dataset for future compatibility reasons. This does not impact your ability to use join queries as needed across datasets to fetch the desired information.

If you want to sort, in your reports, the emails sent by a specific journey according to the action that sent them. you can join the Message Feedback dataset with the Entity dataset. The fields to use are: _experience.decisioning.propositions.scopeDetails.correlationID and _id field in entity dataset.

The following query helps you get the associated message template for a given campaign:

  ajo_entity_dataset AE
    WHERE AE._experience.customerJourneyManagement.entities.campaign.campaignVersionID = 'd7a01136-b113-4ef2-8f59-b6001f7eef6e'

The following query helps get the Journey Details and email subject associated with all feedback events:

  ajo_entity_dataset AE
  INNER JOIN cjm_message_feedback_event_dataset MF ON AE._experience.customerJourneyManagement.entities.channelDetails.messageID = MF._experience.customerJourneyManagement.messageExecution.messageID
WHERE = ''
  AND MF._experience.customerJourneyManagement.messageDeliveryfeedback.feedbackStatus = 'sent'
  AND AE._experience.customerJourneyManagement.entities.journey.journeyVersionID IS NOT NULL

You can stitch journey step events, Message Feedback and tracking datasets to get the stats for a particular profile:

  ajo_entity_dataset AE
  INNER JOIN cjm_message_feedback_event_dataset MF
    ON AE._experience.customerJourneyManagement.entities.channelDetails.messageID = MF._experience.customerJourneyManagement.messageExecution.messageID
    INNER JOIN journey_step_events JE
    ON AE._experience.customerJourneyManagement.entities.journey.journeyActionID = JE._experience.journeyOrchestration.stepEvents.actionID
WHERE = ''
  AND MF._experience.customerJourneyManagement.messageDeliveryfeedback.feedbackStatus = 'sent'
  AND AE._experience.customerJourneyManagement.entities.journey.journeyVersionID IS NOT NULL