Benefits of using the Clientless deviceType parameter in Adobe Pass Authentication metrics benefits-of-using-the-clientless-devicetype-parameter-in-primetime-authentication-metrics

The content on this page is provided for information purposes only. Usage of this API requires a current license from Adobe. No unauthorized use is permitted.


Although optional, the parameter deviceType from the Clientless API, when present, is used in Adobe Pass Authentication metrics that are being exposed through Entitlement Service Monitoring.

Considering that the connection between the deviceType parameter and its benefits on Adobe Pass Authentication metrics wasn’t initially stated, the scope of this tech note is to add more information about them.


The deviceType parameter was present in the Clientless API since the first version, but its implications on Adobe Pass Authentication metrics were added in a more recent release.

If the parameter deviceType is set correctly then it has the following benefit in Entitlement Service Monitoring: it offers metrics that are broken down per device type when using Clientless, so that different types of analysis can be performed for e.g. Roku, AppleTV, Xbox etc.

For more information on the Entitlement Service Monitoring API, please refer to the drill-down tree, which illustrates the dimensions (resources) available in ESM 2.0.

Content of this tech note was also added to the Clientless API.


To fully benefit from the Adobe Pass Authentication metrics, there are 2 types of Clientless APIs that are currently being used and that need to have the correct deviceType set:

  1. APIs that have regcode as a required parameter and will use the deviceType parameter which was set when creating the regcode, with the following API call:

  2. APIs that have the deviceType as an optional parameter:

Our recommendation is to use the deviceType parameter and pass the correct Clientless device type for all APIs.
