Edit a user’s profile

The highlighted information on this page refers to functionality not yet generally available. It is available only in the Preview Sandbox environment.

As an Adobe Workfront administrator, you can create users and manage the profiles of existing ones. For information about creating users, see Add users.

Access requirements

You must have the following to perform the steps in this article:

Adobe Workfront plan
Adobe Workfront license

New: Standard


Current: Plan

Access level configurations

You must have one of the following:

  • The System Administrator access level. For information, see Grant a user full administrative access.

  • The Users object in your access level configured to Edit access, with Create and at least one of the follwing two User Admin options enabled under Fine-tune your settings .

    • User Admin (All Users)
    • User Admin (Group Users)

    If User Admin (Group Users) is enabled, you must be a group administrator for a group where the user is a member to be able to edit the user.

    For more information about the Users setting in an access level, see Grant access to users.

*To find out what plan, license type, or access you have, contact your Workfront administrator.

Edit a user profile

  1. Click the Main Menu icon Main Menu in the upper-right corner of Adobe Workfront, or (if available), click the Main Menu icon Main Menu in the upper-left corner, then click Users Users icon .

  2. Select the user, then click the Edit icon .

    The Edit User box displays.

  3. In the Edit User box, change any of the following information, and click Save Changes at any time:

    table 0-row-2 1-row-2 2-row-2 3-row-2 4-row-2 5-row-2 6-row-2 7-row-2 layout-auto html-authored no-header
    Personal Info
    • First Name

    • Last Name

    • Email Address: The email address for a user is also their username in Workfront. This field is case-sensitive and must be unique. If any user attempts to add a non-unique email address 3 times within a 10-minute window, a reCAPTCHA response appears.

      Select the I am not a robot setting before you can proceed.

      If you use the email allowlist and enter an email domain not on the list, the user will not receive email notifications. For more information about the allowlist, see Configure your email allowlist.

    • Reset Password: Click this link to reset the user's password. You must enter your own password before you can reset another user's password.

      To reset another user's password, you must be a Workfront administrator, or a group administrator.


      • If you are a group administrator, you can reset passwords only for users in the groups where you are designated as an administrator. Also, the User Admin (Group Users) permission must be enabled in your access level:

        This setting is disabled by default. For more information, see Create or modify custom access levels.

      • You cannot reset the password of a Workfront administrator.

    • <SSO Configuration> Username: If your Workfront administrator enabled an SSO integration with Workfront, the SSO Username displays in this field. The type of SSO configuration enabled for your Workfront instance is visible in this field.

    • OnlyAllow <SSO Configuration> Authentication: If your Workfront administrator enabled an SSO integration with Workfront and has updated all users for SSO, this field is selected by default. The type of SSO configuration enabled for your Workfront instance is visible in this field.

      When this field is selected, the user is required to log into Workfront with their SSO credentials. Unchecking it will allow them to log in to Workfront with their Workfront credentials.

      For more information about configuring Workfront with an SSO solution, see Overview of single sign-on in Adobe Workfront

      For more information about updating users for SSO, see Update users for single sign-on.


      If you are a group administrator, you can edit the <SSO Configuration> fields only for users in the groups where you are designated as such. Also, the User Admin (Group Users) permission must be enabled in your access level.

      If you are a group administrator and you have the User Admin (All Users) permission enabled in your access level, you can edit the <SSO Configuration> fields for all users.

    • Job Info: Information about the job, like the job title (in the Title field), and what area of expertise the user is responsible for (in the Talk to Me About field).

    • Contact Info: The user's phone number (in the Phone number, Ext., and Mobile number fields) and address (in the Address, City, State, Postal Code, Country fields ).

      If the user is enabled for Unified User Management (UUM) or Adobe Identity Management System (IMS), the Country field in the Contact Info section only accepts country code values (for example, US, GB, IN).

    • Time Zone: The user's time zone.

      For information about helping users collaborate in Workfront across time zones, see Working across time zones.

    • Email Locale: The user's preferred email locale. This affects the format of numbers and dates in the emails that come from Workfront to this user.

    • Receive emails from this test environment: Check this option if you want to receive email notifications from the environment that you are currently logged in.


      This option is available only in the Preview and Sandbox environments. Email notifications are enabled in the Production environment by default.

    • Show percent complete on update status: Check this option if you want to display a percent complete bar inside the Update area of this user's tasks, when using the legacy commenting experience. For information, see New commenting experience.

    • Send work I assign to myself to my Working On tab: Check this option if you want everything that the user assigns to themselves to appear directly on the Working On list in the Home area. The default is to list everything assigned to a user on their Ready to Start or Not Ready lists in the Home area.

    • Automatically generate proofs when uploading documents: Check this option if you want the documents that the user uploads to immediately generate a proof.


    Select the email notifications which should be enabled for the new user.

    You can select instant as well as daily digest notifications.

    For more information, see Configure event notifications for everyone in the system.

    • Is Active: Select this box to indicate that the user is active. Active users use a Workfront license. Clearing the box deactivates the user and prevents them from logging in to Workfront.

    • Access Level: Select the access level to assign to this user.

      When you assign an access level to a user, you can assign a level equal to or lower than your own access level.

      For example, if your access level is Plan, you cannot assign the Administrator access level. However, you cannot assign an access level that by default is lower than your own access level if the Workfront administrator has enabled non-default permissions on the access level that are not also enabled in your own access level.

      For example, if you have a Plan license with no access to delete tasks, you cannot assign someone a Work license with access to delete tasks, although the Work license is lower than the Plan license. For more information, see Create or modify custom access levels.

      For more information about access levels, see Configure access to Adobe Workfront.


      If your organization uses the new access model (Standard/Light/Contributor), you cannot reassign a Standard or Light user to a Contributor access level if that user has already reached their decision limit for the month.

      For more information on the new access model, see New access levels overview.

      For information on decision limits, see Limited document and proof decision for non-paid users overview.

    • Layout Template: Choose a Layout Template for the user. This Layout Template takes precedence over any Layout Template assigned to the user's Home Group, Home Team or Primary Role. For more information about the assignment priority of Layout Templates, see Create and manage layout templates.


      The following list describes how the list of templates you have available in this field depends on your access:

      • As a Workfront administrator, you can see all system-level and group-level Layout Templates.
      • As a group administrator, you can see system-level layout template, as well as those associated with the groups that you manage.
      • As a user with a Plan license and access to edit users, you can see only system-level Layout Templates.

      For more information about group-level Layout Templates, see Create and manage layout templates.

    • Company: The company of the user. Users can be associated only with one company. You must create a company before you can associate it with a user. Only active companies display in the list. For information about creating companies, see Create and edit companies.

    • Reports to: If you specified a company for the user, you can also specify the direct manager of the user in this field. A user can have only one manager. This field does not display if the user is not associated with a company first.

    • Direct Reports: If you specified a company for the user, you can also specify the direct reports of the user. A user can have multiple direct reports. This field does not display if the user is not associated with a company first.

    • Home Team: Specify the home team for the user. Users can only have one home team. The Home Team is important when assigning a layout template or when defining the Work On It button for the tasks and issues assigned to the user.

    • Other Teams: Users can belong to multiple teams. A user can view work items assigned to any of their teams in their Home area.

    • Home Group: Select an appropriate group to assign the user. This gives the user the ability to access objects that are shared with the group. You can also share layout templates with the user's Home Group.

      This is a required field. Every user must be associated with a home group. If you don't select one, your group is assigned as the new user's home group.


      You can assign a group to a user only if one of the following is true:

      • you are a Workfront administrator
      • you are the administrator of the group
      • the group is public.
    • Other Groups: Users can belong to multiple groups. You can assign a group to a user only if you are a Workfront administrator, you are the administrator of the group, or the group is public.


      Adding a user to more than 100 groups may cause performance issues in any area of Workfront that loads the list of groups.

      For more information about public groups, see Create a group.

      For more information about groups, see Groups overview.

    Resource Planning
    • Work Time: Represents the percentage of the Full Time Equivalent (FTE) time that the user is available for actual work, not including overhead. Work Time must be a decimal number up to 1, and it cannot be 0. For example, a 20% availability for actual work would be 0.2.

      The field’s default is 1, indicating that a user spends their entire FTE on actual, project-related work.

      The system uses this number to calculate the availability of the user for actual, project-related work.

      For more information about creating schedules in Workfront, see Create a schedule.

      Schedule exceptions and time off might also affect the user’s capacity.

      Workfront calculates a user’s availability depending on the Resource Management preferences in your Setup area. For more information, see Configure Resource Management preferences.


      Set the Work Time value to 1 to indicate that the user is available for project-related work their entire full-time equivalent.

    • Schedule Deactivation: Check this box if you want to schedule this user to be deactivated on a certain date and at a certain time.

    • Scheduled Deactivation Date: The date and time on which the user becomes deactivated. For information about scheduling users for deactivation, see the Schedule users for deactivation in Deactivate or reactivate a user.

    • Primary Role: This is the primary job role that the user can fulfill in Workfront. Every task and issue that the user is assigned to is also assigned to this job role. Job roles are essential in resource management. You can update this field only if you have a Plan license with administrative user access, or if you are a Workfront administrator. For more information about setting up users with administrative user access, see Grant access to users.

      Only active job roles display in the list.

    • If you selected a Primary Role, the Percentage of FTE Availability field displays. Specify what percentage of time of the user's schedule is allocated to this job role. The default value for the Percentage of FTE Availability for the Primary Role is 100%.

    • Other Roles: A user can have multiple job roles in Workfront. Job roles are essential in resource management. There is no limit for how many job roles a user can fulfill. However, we recommend to not assign one user to an excessively large number of job roles, because resource management might become too complex for these users.

      Only active job roles display in the list. For more information about job roles, see Create and manage job roles.

      You can update this field only if you have a Plan license with administrative user access, or if you are a Workfront administrator.
      For more information about setting up users with administrative user access, see Grant access to users.

    • (Conditional) If you selected one or multiple Other Roles, the Percentage of FTE Availability field displays for each role. Specify what percentage of time of the user's schedule is allocated to each job role. The default value for the Percentage of FTE Availability for the Other Roles is 0%.

      NOTE: If Other Roles have a 0% FTE Availability, they do not display in the Resource Planner, unless the users are assigned to tasks in these roles.



      The sum of all Percentages of FTE Availability for all roles must equal 100%. Each Percentage of FTE Availability calculates the Available Hours for each role per user in the Resource Planner. The Available Hours for each role per user depends on the available time for the user.

      The available time for the user is calculated by Workfront depending on the method that has been selected by the Workfront administrator to calculate the FTE in the Resource Management Preferences.

      For information about calculating availability for the user, see Overview of calculating hours and FTE for users and roles in the Resource Planner.

      For information about configuring Resource Management preferences, see Configure Resource Management preferences.

      (Optional) Date effective job role assignments are used in financial calculations if the user's job role changes during a project.

      ClickDefine roles by date, select thePrimary RoleandOther Roles, and enter the allocation percentage for each role. The roles could be the same as the existing roles (using different percentages), or new roles. Select theStart datewhen these roles become active. This can be a future date. When the newest roles become active, you can clickShow previous rolesto see the previous, inactive roles.

    • Schedule: Associate a schedule with the user. The schedule of the user calculates the timeline of the tasks the user is assigned to.

      You must create a schedule before you can associate it with a user. For more information about creating schedules, see Create a schedule.

      NOTE: We recommend that the schedule you associate with the user matches the user's Time Zone.

    • Timesheet Profile: Associate a Timesheet Profile with the user to ensure that timesheets generate automatically for the user.

      NOTE: The list of profiles you have available in this field depends on your access:

      • As a Workfront administrator, you can see all system-level and all group-level Timesheet Profiles.
      • As a group administrator, you can see system-level Timesheet Profiles, as well as those associated with the groups that you manage.
      • As a user with a Plan license and access to edit users, you can see only system-level Timesheet Profiles. For more information about group-level Timesheet Profiles, see Create, edit, and assign timesheet profiles.
    • Default Hour Type: Select the default hour type for the user. This is the hour type that is used by default when the user logs time.

    • Available Hour Types: Select the hour types that should be available to the user. These hour types are visible everywhere in Workfront where the user can log time. A user can only see the hour types that are enabled at the project level as well as the user level. For more information about what hour types are available to users, see Define hour types and availability for timesheets.

    • Log Time in: Select whether the user should log time on work items in hours or days. For more information, see Configure whether time is logged in hours or days.

    • FTE: This is the Full Time Equivalent of the user. Workfront uses this number to calculate the availability of the user based on the Default Schedule only when the Resource Management Preferences at the system level are set to The Default Schedule.

      The FTE indicates the amount of time that the user can spend at work. This includes overhead, as well as time spent on project work. For example, time that is spent in meetings, or training is also included in the FTE.

      The FTE must be a decimal number up to 1, and it cannot be 0. For example, if the FTE value is 0.5 and the Default Schedule in Workfront is 40 hours, the user is available for 20 hours a week.

      The field’s default is 1.

      Schedule exceptions, time off might, and the value of Work Time may affect the availability of the user.

      Workfront calculates a user’s availability depending on the Resource Management preferences in your Setup area.

      If the Resource Management Preferences at the system level are set to The User’s Schedule, the value you specify here is ignored and the user is considered to be available according to what is specified in their schedule.

      For more information, see Configure Resource Management preferences.

      For more information about creating schedules in Workfront, see Create a schedule.

    • Resource Pools: Associate the user with Resource Pools. For more information, see Associate resource pools with users.

    • Cost Rate: The amount of cost per hour for the user.

      For date effective cost rates, click Add Rate. Enter the value of the cost rate for the time period, and assign a Start Date and End Date as needed. Cost Rate 1 will not have a start date and the last cost rate will not have an end date.

      Some dates are added automatically. For example, if Cost Rate 1 does not have an end date, and you add Cost Rate 2 with a start date of May 1, 2023, an end date of April 30, 2023 is added to Cost Rate 1 so that no gaps exist.

    • Billing Rate: The amount of billing per hour for the user.

      For date effective billing rates, click Add Rate. Enter the value of the billing rate for the time period, and assign a Start Date and End Date as needed. Billing Rate 1 will not have a start date and the last billing rate will not have an end date.

      Some dates are added automatically. For example, if Billing Rate 1 does not have an end date, and you add a second with a start date of May 1, 2023, an end date of April 30, 2023 is added to Billing Rate 1 so that no gaps exist.

      User cost and billing rates

    Custom Forms

    Associate an existing user custom form with this user. You must create a custom form before you can associate it with a user. Only active custom forms display in the list. Fields you do not have access to edit are not displayed in an individual custom form.

    For information about creating custom forms, see Create or edit a custom form.

    Comment Type the comment you want to send to the users and to the Updates area of their user profiles.