Configure the Experience Manager Assets as a Cloud Service integration

This functionality is available only to organization that have been onboarded to the Adobe Admin Console.

You can connect your work with your content in Experience Manager Assets​:

  • Push assets and metadata from Adobe Workfront to Experience Manager Assets​
  • Link assets from Experience Manager Assets to your projects and tasks in Workfront​
  • Facilitate versioning use cases
  • Create folders linked to Experience Manager Assets
  • Track metadata for assets and folders
  • Sync project metadata between Workfront and Experience Manager Assets
You can also connect several Experience Manager Assets repositories to one Workfront environment, or several Workfront environments to one Experience Manager Assets repository across Organization IDs. Follow the configuration instructions in this article for each integration you’d like to set up.

Access requirements

You must have the following:

Adobe Workfront plan
Adobe Workfront licenses
Current: Plan
New: Standard
Experience Manager license
You must have Experience Manager Assets as a Cloud Service, and you must be added to the product as a user.
Access level configurations*
You must be a Workfront administrator.

For more detail about the information in this table, see Access requirements in Workfront documentation.


Before you begin,

Set up the integration information

  1. Click the Main Menu icon Main Menu in the upper-right corner of Adobe Workfront, or (if available), click the Main Menu icon Main Menu in the upper-left corner, then click Setup Setup icon .

  2. Select Documents in the left panel, then select Experience Manager Integration.

    note note
    This configuration area appears only if your Workfront environment is included under an Adobe Admin Console.
  3. Select Add Experience Manager Integration.

  4. In the Name field, enter the name you want users to see when interacting with this integration in Workfront and Experience Manager Assets.

  5. In the Navigation URL field, the system automatically populates the Navigation URL. This read-only URL is used to link to your organization’s Experience Manager instance from the Main Menu for quick access.

  6. Choose a repository from the Experience Manager Assets repository drop-down menu. The system automatically populates any Experience Manager repositories associated with the Organization ID that your user profile is assigned to.
    choose experience manager repository

  7. Click Save or move on to the Set up metadata (Optional) section in this article.

    note note
    Due to the complexity of the integration, you can’t change the repository after you save the initial configuration.

Set up metadata (Optional)

You can map Workfront object data to asset media fields in Experience Manager Assets.

You can map metadata only in one direction: from Workfront to Experience Manager. Metadata for documents linked to Workfront from Experience Manager cannot be transferred to Workfront.

Configure metadata fields

Before you begin mapping metadata fields, you must configure metadata fields in both Workfront and Experience Manager Assets.

To configure metadata fields:

  1. Configure a metadata schema in Experience Manager Assets as explained in Configure asset metadata mapping between Adobe Workfront and Experience Manager Assets.

  2. Configure custom form fields in Workfront. Workfront has many built-in custom fields you can use. However, you can also create your own custom fields as explained in Create or edit a custom form.

Expand to see more information about supported Workfront and Experience Manager Assets fields

Experience Manager Assets Tags

You can map any Workfront supported field to a tag in Experience Manager Assets. To do this, you must ensure that tag values in Experience Manager Assets match Workfront.

  • Tags and Workfront field values must be an exact match in spelling, and format.
  • Workfront field values that are mapped to experience Manager assets tags must be all lowercase, even if the tag in Experience Manager Assets appears to have uppercase letters.
  • Workfront field values must not include spaces.
  • The field value in Workfront must also include the folder structure of the Experience Manager Assets tag.
  • To map multiple single-line text fields to tags, enter a comma-separated list of the tag values into the Workfront side of the metadata mapping, and xcm:keywords on the Experience Manager Assets side. Each field value maps to a separate tag. You can use a calculated field to combine multiple Workfront fields into a single comma-separated text field.
  • You can map values from drop-down, radio button, or checkbox fields by entering a comma-separated list of the available values in that field.
note info
Example: To match the tag shown in the folder structure here, the field value in Workfront would be landscapes:trees/spruce. Note the lowercase letters in the Workfront field value.
If you want the tag to be leftmost item in the tag tree, it must be followed by a colon. In this example, to map to the landscapes tag, the field value in Workfront would be landscapes:.
Folder structure in AEM

After you have created the tags in Experience Manager Assets, they will appear under the Tags drop-down in the Metadata section. To link a field to a tag, select xcm:keywords in the Experience Manager Assets field dropdown in the metadata mapping area.

For more information on tags in Experience Manager Assets, including how to create and manage tags, see Administering Tags.

Experience Manager Assets custom metadata schema fields

You can map both built-in and custom Workfront fields to custom metadata schema fields in Experience Manager Assets.

Custom metadata fields created in Experience Manager Assets are organized in their own section in the Metadata setup area.

custom metadata section

Workfront fields

You can map both built-in and custom Workfront fields to Experience Manager Assets. The following field values must match in both case and spelling between Workfront and Experience Manager Assets:

  • Drop-down fields
  • Multi-select fields
note tip
To check if the field values match exactly, go to
  • Setup > Custom Forms in Workfront or the field in the object
  • Assets > metadata schemas in Experience Manager Assets

Map metadata for assets

Metadata maps when an asset is pushed from Workfront for the first time. Documents with the built-in or custom fields automatically map to the specified fields the first time an asset is sent to Experience Manager Assets.

To map metadata for assets:

  1. In the Workfront field column, choose a built-in or custom Workfront field.

    note note
    You can map a single Workfront field to multiple Experience Manager Assets fields. You can’t map multiple Workfront fields to a single Experience Manager Assets field.
  2. In the Experience Manager Assets field, search through the pre-populated categories or enter at least two letters in the search field to access additional categories.

  3. Repeat steps 2 and 3 as needed.
    metadata fields

  4. Click Save or move on to the Set up Workflows section in this article.

Set up workflows (Optional)

A workflow is a set of actions that connect Workfront to Adobe Experience Manager as a Cloud Service. As a Workfront administrator, you can configure workflows in Workfront, then assign them to Project Templates. When a Project is created using a Project Template to which a workflow is assigned, the actions defined in the workflow are triggered.

The default workflow values that you set in the integration can be overridden at the Project Template and Project levels.

The followings workflows are available in the Adobe Experience Manager integration:

Create Adobe Experience Manager linked folders

  1. Toggle the Create Linked folder on.
  2. Choose a folder path to indicate where you want all linked folders associated with this integration.
    Linked folder navigation
  3. Enable the Append Portfolio and Program Names option to automatically include Portfolio and Program names at the end of the linked folder’s name.
  4. Click Save or move on to the Publish assets that are sent to Adobe Experience Manager Assets section in this article.

Publish assets that are sent to Adobe Experience Manager Assets

  1. Toggle on Publish assets automatically.
  2. Check the box next to the location where you want to publish assets sent to Adobe Experience Manager assets. You may enable either or both options.
  3. (Conditional) If you have enabled the Brand Portal option, Select the Brand Portal where you want to publish assets.
  4. Click Save or move on to the Set up linked folders (Optional) section in this article.

Set up linked folders (Optional)

You can allow users to create folders linked to Experience Manager while in a Workfront project. When a folder is linked, any asset added to the folder automatically shows up in both Workfront and Experience Manager. When an asset is added to the linked folder in Workfront for the first time, the asset’s metadata is pushed to Experience Manager Assets.

In the steps below, you indicate where you want the linked folders created. Each integration can have only one location for all linked folders.

To set up linked folders:

  1. Toggle the Enable Linked folder on.

  2. Choose a folder path to indicate where you want all linked folders associated with this integration.

    note note
    Users need write access in Adobe Experience Manager Assets to the folder specified to create a linked folder.
  3. Click Save.
