Create subtasks
In Workfront, tasks can have parent-child relationships. Child tasks are called subtasks. You can create subtasks on the tasks list by making a main task a subtask. You can also make a subtask a main task.
Access requirements
You must have the following access to perform the steps in this article:
For more detail about the information in this table, see Access requirements in Workfront documentation.
Create subtasks
You can create subtasks from the task list or the task subtask section.
Create subtasks from the task list create-subtasks-from-the-task-list
Go to the project where you want to create subtasks.
Click the Tasks section in the left panel.
(Conditional) If the task that you want to make the child task is not already located directly beneath the task that you want make the parent, drag it to the appropriate location in the task list.
Select the task that you want to make a subtask and do one of the following:
Click the Indent icon
When using a standard English QWERTY keyboard, press Option + > (Mac) or Alt + > (Windows) on your keyboard. Other languages might use the commands Option + , (Mac) or Alt + , (Windows) to indent.
note tip TIP The keyboard shortcuts do not work when you are editing tasks in inline edit. In this case, use the Indent icon -
Drag and drop the task over the task you want to designate as the parent task.
note note NOTE You can indent tasks only when the list of tasks is sorted by Task Number and when there are no groupings applied to the task list.
Create subtasks from the task Subtasks section create-subtasks-from-the-task-subtasks-section
Go to the project where you want to create subtasks.
Click the Tasks section in the left panel.
Click the name of the task where you want to create a subtask.
Click the Subtasks section in the left panel.
Click New Task.
Follow the steps in the following article to continue creating the subtask: Create tasks in a project.
Click Save Task.
Make a subtask a main task
Go to the project where you want to make a subtask a main task.
Click the Tasks section in the left panel.
Select the subtask that you want to make a main task.
Click the Outdent icon
On a standard English QWERTY keyboard, press Option + < (Mac) or Alt + < (Windows). Other languages might use the commands Option + . (Mac) or Alt + . (Windows) to outdent.
note note NOTE You can outdent tasks only when the list of tasks is sorted by Task Number and when there are no groupings applied to the task list.