Real-Time Customer Data Platform home page

The Adobe Real-Time Customer Data Platform (Real-Time CDP) home page is the first page that appears after logging in to Real-Time CDP.

The Real-Time CDP home page includes a getting started widget that allows you to quickly access several different features and a metrics section that displays up-to-date up-to-date information on data within your organization.

This document provides an overview of the Real-Time CDP home page and metrics dashboard.

The Platform UI home page.

Getting started widget

The Getting started with Real-Time Customer Profile widget is divided into four sections:

  • Ingest data into Platform: This widget directs you to the sources catalog. Use the sources catalog to select a source and ingest your data to Experience Platform. Select [Configure sources] to navigate to the sources catalog. For more information, read the sources overview.
  • Model data structures: This widget directs you to the schemas overview. Use the schemas overview to browse for existing schemas or create a blueprint that describe the structure of your data. Select Create schema to navigate to the schema creation interface. For more information, read the schemas overview.
  • Build audiences: This widget directs you to the egment Builder in the UI. Use the Segment Builder to interact with Profile data elements and define the criteria for your segment definition. Select Create audience to navigate to the Segment Builder. For more information, read the Segmentation Service overview.
  • Send data to destinations: This widget directs you to the destinations catalog. Use the destinations catalog to select a destination that you can then connect to and send segments to. Select Set up destinations to navigate to the destinations catalog. For more information, read the destinations overview.

The Platform UI home page displaying the getting started widget

Metrics dashboard metrics-dashboard

The metrics dashboard displays up-to-date information on your Experience Platform data. The dashboard is divided into two sections:

The leaderboard

The leaderboard shows the current total number of schemas, datasets, profiles, and segments in your organization as well as their most recent update date.

The leaderboard section in the Platform UI home page.

  • Total schemas: The Total schemas counter displays the number of schemas in the system. This counter is updated when a schema is created. For more information, read the schemas overview.
  • Total datasets: The Total datasets counter shows the number of datasets in the system and the amount of data in Experience Platform. This counter is updated when a dataset is created. For more information about datasets, read the datasets overview.
  • Total profiles: The Profiles count shows the total number of profiles your organization has within Experience Platform. It does not include profile fragments. This is your total addressable audience. This count uses the default merge policy as set in the merge policy configuration in Real-Time Customer Profile. The number of profiles is updated once every 24 hours. Select Profiles to navigate to the Profiles overview page and view all of your Profile metrics. For more information about profiles, read the Real-Time Customer Profile overview.
  • Total audiences: The Total audiences counter shows the total number of audiences created for your organization. This number is updated when new audiences are created. For more information about audiences, read the Segmentation Service overview.

Recent items

Recent items lists the most recent changes in your organization. In the example below, the most recent changes pertain to datasets, sources, segments, and destinations.

The recent items section in the Platform UI home page.

  • Recent datasets: The Recent datasets card shows the five most recent datasets created within the organization. This list is updated when a new dataset is created. Select a dataset to view the details for that item, or select View all for a list of datasets. From there, you can select a specific source for details. For more information about datasets, see the datasets overview.
  • Recent sources: The Recent sources metric card shows the five most recent sources created within the organization. This list is updated when a new source is created. Select a source to view the details for that item, or select View all for a list of sources. From there, you can select a specific source for details. For more information about sources, see Sources overview.
  • Recent segments: The Recent segments metric card shows the five most recent segments created within the organization. This list is updated when a new segment is created. Select a segment to view the details for that item, or select View all for a list of segments. For more information about segments, see Segmentation Service overview.
  • Recent destinations: The Recent destinations metric card shows the five most recent destinations created within the organization. This list is updated when a new destination is created. Select a destination to view the details for that item, or select View all for a list of destinations. For more information, read the destinations overview.


Finally, the resources widget provides you with additional documentation resources that you can refer to. These include:

The resources section in the Platform UI home page.
